Support Your Local Home Depot

Jul 27, 2010 21:51

If anyone has been paying attention to politics lately, or perhaps listening to the morning radio show "Elliot in the Morning" you may have heard a little about this.

A department head in the store I work my second job in is currently under fire for standing up for transgender and homosexual rights in the work place. Because she is the ex-brother-in-law of Bob McDonald, it has made quite a stir. The original story in the Washington Post was picked up by Elliot and his crew and all hell broke loose.

Though I missed this (I am not an Elliot fan, myself), I have heard of some of the things that were said. Things like "That Freak." Elliot's wonderful listeners called in to tell the world exactly what store to find her in and what department she works in.

And to add insult to injury, one called in to say that "you don't need to go in to see the freak in garden, you need to check out the hot blonde in hardware!" Sure, she is a very attractive woman. She gets enough creepy stalkers here without every other idiot coming for a peek. One simply looked her up and down lecherously and said "So you're the hot blonde."

I guess my real point is this. Home Depot is being punished for doing something that, even if it wasn't Equal Opportunity, would be the right thing to do. Boycotts have sprung up because The Home Depot "supports the homosexual agenda."

So go show your love.
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