&&Nothing too important~

Apr 13, 2010 17:21

Hah, the last 5 weeks in school.
I feel like my grades are gunna drop drastically, i need to memorize a passage from Romeo and Juliet (which is disgusting. i hate it and so do not want to memorize this at all xD), Do something for my math and science grades (pft.) and get back to 100s in spanish & computer apps.
lazy low ninetys hurrrr...

Well i bought a hello kitty umbrella finally! Its super cute, I'll take and post pictures once I can charge my DSi!

Same fro Spring break pictures, my DSi is dead and the charger is...somewhere in the house ( i think). if i can't find it I'll just go pick up another one this week...


I've been way too obsessed with the Lolita Academy. I just spent two hours reading everything on there, and theres still more! have to read journals, meet my roommates, plan activities, explore Harajuku!
eeeeeeeeee *3*
If you havn't signed up already, and happen to have time for this sort of thing join it over hereee ---> Lolita Academy~


:3 my characters name is Yumi, im in the Traditional Daisy Room on the 4th Floor if you want to find me >3<

Natural ni Koishite/Fushizen na Girl  double A-side single by perfume comes out around today-tomorrow <3 I can't wait! /squee!

Thats all!
&&Laffi Love

lolita academy

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