How the heck do you guys do this all the time?

Oct 02, 2007 13:36

I mean really? I guess some of you are writer types.


So what's going on with me. Work is actually going well. Got a bonus on Friday (woot!) and I'm hopefully going to be able to stick some of the $$ aside to go to Anni. It's much easier for me to pay for *con as I don't have to come up with transportation money. I think I'm at about 50% right now for Anni, which are better odds than I've had yet. Here's to hoping that finances don't completely crash between now and then!

Along with the $$ I was told that I'd been doing a fantastic job. *blink* Well, it's really good to hear because I've felt like I'm dropping balls all over the place. We've been doing a major conversion for our customers and trying to make that a smooth and relatively painless process along with keeping up with my regular work has had me sweating. It seems that I've done a good job of it though. We're wrapping the conversion up now so I have to figure out just what it is I used to do all day. Being back in my office and not out with our conversion team is... different. I'm very happy for it, but I need to refocus.

As a side note, I've discovered exactly what they mean by the phrase "Dirty Thirties". *look* Yay me!

anni, work, dirty thirties

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