You know, I went and got all excited about setting up this thing again, and have I used it? No… -__- Okay, first post in a while; nothing much to say, it’s pretty quiet out here in the sticks (Styx? Sticks and stones? Styx and stones? ^_^ Yay, free-association time!) right now, all hot and lazy and middle-of-summerish.
I’ve been poking around lately as well as some of the other job websites; the prospects for getting a new teaching job in NYC suck, sad to say, and it looks like they’ll continue to do so until the city breaks down and doles out a little more funding. ‘Course, if I wanted to branch out a bit in my choice of jobs, I might not have any trouble… Saw this ad in the ‘uncategorized’ classifieds the other day:
Wanted: athletic young women willing to work hard for great rewards. Pole-dancing builds upper & lower body strength, builds self-esteem, gets great tips! Clean, legal business; no phys contact with customers allowed. Great pay, benefits after 3 months-come join our team! Maj med/dental upon f/t, evening shifts only. Contact Liz at E6004C7. No freaks.
Honest to God, I did not make that up. ‘No freaks.’ But you know, there was this exotic dancer living downstairs when we were growing up, and she was really nice-called herself ‘Misty Dawn’… I remember, she said that she had to get her name legally changed to that so she could cash her paychecks, they kept getting written to her stage name. Weird. But I also remember that she didn’t like her given name (Martha) much anyway. And you just don’t expect an exotic dancer to be named Martha, do you? But maybe if I just called myself ‘Red’…
Don’t pop a vein or anything, Joey, I’m kidding, okay? Jeeze.
I did have *one* nibble when I was job-hunting this weekend-not for a job, couldn’t be THAT lucky, but… I ran across a name or two that I was familiar with and ended up emailing one of my old classmates, Ardis; it turned out that she had quit her job with the public school system in NYC and was working for the Brooklyn Parks & Rec Commission, and we talked for a little bit about that. I’ve only taught 3rd and 4th graders; could I handle older kids, or just art classes? It might be kind of fun… Ardis works mostly with kindergarteners, but she said that they’re always looking for somebody to handle the junior-high level classes. I wonder how I’d do? 14, 15; that’s a tough age. I was a brat when I was 14 and Joey was a little thug, I swear.
Isn’t it weird that we both ended up working with kids, even though in different areas? Not that I’m doing that much right now, but still… I miss it, you know? The classes and the-I don’t know, structure? of it. Something like that, anyway. Arts and crafts… I’ve always loved stuff like that. Maybe I ought to look into Parks & Rec; you never know.
Wow, for a first post in ages, I’m really rambling, aren’t I? Not sure who’s even going to read this-Joey, I guess, and Tristan and Duke and maybe Téa. I hope so. Hey, Duke? I have some more cookies to send you, and I *swear* these are better than the last batch-I wish you’d come out here sometime, though, my landlady Mrs. J makes much better ones than I do. Think I’m starting to get obsessed with beating her at the cookie-making thing-- I will get good at this if it kills me. :( At least Bear likes my cookies, though I think he likes my socks better. I’m starting to wonder about that kitten. I mean, he keeps killing my socks and dragging them under the bed, where he gnaws holes in the toes. It’s starting to be sort of a problem.
Okay, enough babbling. I’ll try to keep this thing up to date a little better from now on.