ahahahahaha fun with random morons

Jun 29, 2005 20:31

So "Sunshinelolipop6" keeps messaging Tim on aim like multiple times everyday. He has no idea who this person is. He asked who it was once and didn't get a reply. Every other time the person was offline when he got the messages. So I come in the room today and notice that she has messaged him yet again and decide to find out who it is. This girl (I assume it's a girl because that's a pretty girly name) is pretty dense and I am now dumber after talking to her. As is my style, I'll comment in red.

Sunshinelolipop6: hi
El BeAvO: who is this?
El BeAvO: do i know you?
Sunshinelolipop6: no
El BeAvO: so then why do you message me everyday?
Sunshinelolipop6: dunno I do it wen i am bored
El BeAvO: well who are you and why do you have my sn?
Sunshinelolipop6: i got it on the bot website I had no idea what she was talking about here
El BeAvO: ok so who are you?
Sunshinelolipop6: i cant tell strangers the hell?
El BeAvO: ok well then stop talking to me
Sunshinelolipop6: why
El BeAvO: i don't talk to random people that i don't know
El BeAvO: are you a girl or a guy?
Sunshinelolipop6: k well who r u is she a freaking parrot or what?
El BeAvO: you imed me
Sunshinelolipop6: who r u
El BeAvO: if you don't know, then why the hell would you message me in the first place?
El BeAvO: that's the lamest thing i've ever heard
Sunshinelolipop6: well good for u
Sunshinelolipop6: maybe not for me apparently not
El BeAvO: let me guess, you're some 12 yr old girl
Sunshinelolipop6: well let me guess ur some 5 year old boy oooh good one, she really got me there
Sunshinelolipop6: lol
El BeAvO: um ok you're a moron
Sunshinelolipop6: ur dumb oh ouch!
El BeAvO: you messaged me first and then you continue to message me like a freaking stalker
Sunshinelolipop6: u dumby ahahahaha
El BeAvO: i ask you who you are and then you say you can't tell me
El BeAvO: get a life
El BeAvO: go outside and do something
El BeAvO: there is life outside teh internets
Sunshinelolipop6: god how old r u any way again, how original
El BeAvO: why would you message someone if you don't know how old they are?
El BeAvO: or who they are?
El BeAvO: it doesn't make sense
El BeAvO: i could be a 50 yr old man
El BeAvO: or i could be a 26 yr old girl who is really annoyed that random girls message her boyfriend everyday right there I just told her who I was...did she get it? ahahaha nope
Sunshinelolipop6: ok I told u once that I thought u were a bot not a person and I talk to bots
Sunshinelolipop6: u siko what does that mean?? psycho? sicko?? I would like to smack the hell out of whatever teacher taught her to spell
El BeAvO: a bot?
El BeAvO: wtf are you talking about?
El BeAvO: why would i be a bot? still trying to figure out why she thought Tim's sn was a bot
Sunshinelolipop6: ya a bot havent u heard of it
Sunshinelolipop6: I am not a bot I ralk to bots
Sunshinelolipop6: u wierdo
El BeAvO: why would you think i was a bot?
El BeAvO: are you on drugs?
Sunshinelolipop6: r u
El BeAvO: yes actually they give me drugs to calm myself down so i don't stangle stupid people
Sunshinelolipop6: I got u at a bot website r u retarted oh the irony of that statement ahahahaha
El BeAvO: well since i'm not a bot, i'm not sure why my name would be on a bot website
El BeAvO: how does that make me retarded?
Sunshinelolipop6: dont u explor the web
El BeAvO: yes but that doesn't mean i put my sn on a bot website since i'm not a bot
El BeAvO: send me the link of the page where you found my sn, i would love to check that out
Sunshinelolipop6: how do i what??
Sunshinelolipop6: never done it befor you've gotta be kidding me
El BeAvO: what site were you on?
Sunshinelolipop6: I was on www.buddytree.com
Sunshinelolipop6: look for ur self
Sunshinelolipop6: u freak pot. kettle. discuss.
El BeAvO: buddytree isn't a bot site
Sunshinelolipop6: ya it is
El BeAvO: wow ok I was going to say "I stand corrected" but I didn't think she would catch the sarcasm
El BeAvO: if you say so
Sunshinelolipop6: how else do u think i got it
El BeAvO: well considering that my aim sn is on more than one site, how the hell was i supposed to know?
El BeAvO: my livejournal says my sn too, how did i know you weren't some weird lj stalker?
Sunshinelolipop6: dunno
Sunshinelolipop6: wat does lj mean LOL wow
El BeAvO: livejournal
El BeAvO: i just said that
Sunshinelolipop6: o sry
Sunshinelolipop6: how old r u
El BeAvO: hmmm how odd, i looked on buddytree and it seems i'm listed as a human
El BeAvO: not a bot
Sunshinelolipop6: well I saw u on bot wtf ahahaha
El BeAvO: you must have been confused then
El BeAvO: i'm not on the bot page
El BeAvO: i'm on the human page
Sunshinelolipop6: w/e
El BeAvO: sorry to burst your bubble
Sunshinelolipop6: w/e
El BeAvO: k well why don't you go back to the bot site and find an actual bot to talk to so you can stop pestering me
Sunshinelolipop6: why r u called El BeAvo
Sunshinelolipop6: ?
Sunshinelolipop6: ?
El BeAvO: why not?
Sunshinelolipop6: ok then
El BeAvO: alright, glad we cleared that up
Sunshinelolipop6: k then
Sunshinelolipop6: I asked u how old r u
El BeAvO: why does it matter?
Sunshinelolipop6: just wondering
Sunshinelolipop6: and maybe i want to no
El BeAvO: i'm 25
Sunshinelolipop6: ya right
El BeAvO: why the hell would i lie, i don't give a rats ass if you believe me or not
Sunshinelolipop6: k
Sunshinelolipop6: sry if i made u mad
El BeAvO: i wasn't mad, i just wanted to know who you were since you message me constantly when i'm not at the computer
Sunshinelolipop6: sry
Sunshinelolipop6: r u a girl
Sunshinelolipop6: or a boy
Sunshinelolipop6: helo r u a girl or a boy
El BeAvO: i'm actually a girl and this is my boyfriend's sn if you really must know
Sunshinelolipop6: I will leave u alone if u would like
Sunshinelolipop6: k g2g bi

Wow. Don't bots respond to you when you talk to them? After messaging someone 300 times and getting no response other than an away message, I would assume that they were an actual person and not a bot. And I freaking hate when people write no instead of know and bi instead of bye. U instead of you annoys the hell out of me too, but a lot of people say that so I ignore it. But I no and g2g bi? Please just drive rusty forks into my skull instead. And then she called me retarted. Retarted?? Ahahahaha.

I have no further comments other than what a dumbass.
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