Apr 15, 2007 23:31
I love all this sunny weather that we're having at the moment, it's been almost like Summer a couple of days this week. The only problem is that when I see the sun outside my window I want to be out in it either sunbathing or going for a walk or something. The problem with that is I need to be inside to do most of my work so it ends up not getting done. I tried taking my laptop outside so I could work that way but it's difficult to see the screen with the sun glaring down. Plus I've got loads of folders and things which I need to sort out and I can't do that outside, for a start all the papers would probably blow away and it would take more time carrying the stuff out and bringing it back in than it would do actually sort the folders in the end.
It takes me ages to get a tan usually so I've been trying to spend a lot of time outside to build one up this year. My shoulders and back seem to have tanned really easily which I'm pleased about, and my armd look like they might be getting a bit browner. My legs though, as usual, are staying stubbornly white. They always do, although last year they did start to go alightly less white at the front so this year I'm hoping they might even go a little brown if I spend enough time outside with them exposed to the sun.
I've been reading loads lately because of all the sitting outside I've been doing. I read Kensuke's Kingdom, which is a children's book that is on the Year 6 reading list for the end of term and it's a really lovely book, sort of sad and happy at the same time. I recommend it even though it is a children's book. I also went and ordered the final Harry Potter book from WHSmith and they gave out a free book with ever order. The book was Mister Monday and I thought it was odd that you got a book completely free, then I realised it's actually one of a series of 7, of which 5 are already out so they're clearly hoping people will buy the other ones after reading the free one. Of course I read the free one and it was brilliant so I just had to buy the others, which are Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday (are you seeing the pattern here?), Sir Thursday and Lady Friday. The two which aren't out yet will be called Superior Saturday and Lord Sunday. They are absolutely brilliant! I love books that are fantasy that take place in another world or that take place in this world but reveal a hidden part to the world (like the wizard's world in Harry Potter). I did have a problem getting the books though, after I read Mister Monday I went into Blackpool to buy the others. I had a £5 off voucher when you spend £10 for WHSmith so I went there. They had Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, but the Tuesday and Wednesday looked a bit tatty so I only bought the Friday one and bought another 2 books so I could use the voucher. It was 3 for 2 as well so the three books only cost me £6.99! I thought I'd get Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from Waterstones so I went there only to find they only had Monday and Friday in, and Friday was half price! How annoying!! I decided to try WHSmith in St Annes because I still only had Friday and I wanted to read them in order really. To my horror in St Annes they only had Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I bought Wenesday and Thursday but I was still without Tuesday. It was really frustrating! Anyway I did read the ones I had and I managed to get Grim Tuesday today from WHSmith in Blackpool. I've finished reading it already. I'm terrible with books I can hardly put them down once I've started them and these books I just couldn't put down at all, they're just so good!
So that's 6 books, and I've read The Secret Garden too so that's 7 books this week, except that I think I read 3 of them in two days. I read too much!
Technically it's the end of the Easter holidays now. Except I don't go back until the end of April so I'm going to stop reading now and actually get some work done so I'm prepared for my final placement. I have a feeling this one is going to be tougher than the others, because although it's a nice school and the teacher is really nice I think they are going to be a lot more strict and picky about what I can do.
Oh yes and I passed my English and ICT tests so that's good news! The English one you get 45 minutes for and I did it in 25 so that was good. Then I went straight on to the ICT one. It's a series of three tasks broken up into 6 parts each. A typical part of a task might be "Open the word doument 'celebration.doc' and alter the title so it is in bold font" or "Open the web browser. Go to www.sports4schools.com and bookmark the page". Really basic stuff and it's not even like a proper computer desktop, it's a self contained program that acts a little like a computer desktop but where everything is really obvious and only the things you actually need are in the folders. You get 35 minutes, I did it in 12 and when I stood up the woman looked at me as if she couldn't quite believe it. I'm not sure how anyone could possibly take 35 minutes over it, I think you'd have to have never seen a computer in your life! Some people do fail it though so I guess I shouldn't be too harsh.
Wow I've gone on a bit today about a load of random things! I need to get to bed now. I've completely thrown out my sleeping hours and I need to try and get them back to normal by waking up early.