Just dropping by...

Feb 01, 2007 21:07

Yes I'm still around and no, I didn't go blind, thank goodness. My eyelashes look lovely and I'm thinking of getting them done again, if I pluck up the courage.

I'm in the middle of a school placement at the moment so it's all work, work, work. I'm so tired it's untre, I keep lying down on my bed and falling asleep radomly when really I should be planning lessons. I hope it's not going to be as bad as this when I get a job for real. Wait.... scrap that, I don't really care as long as I do get a job for next year. There is a complete lack of primary teaching jobs round here, apparently it's not as bad down South and in London you're pretty much guaranteed one but that's because no one can afford to live in London on an NQT salary!

I'm a very annoyed at the moment. There's a comedy show on in London for the Teenage Caner Trust and I really want to go because not only is it for a good cause, but it also has some of my favourite comedians performing. However it's on the 28th March, which is a Wednesday. There is only one week in the whole of March and April when I'm in school (which I can't skip) instead of college (which I'd happily miss two days of) and guess which week it is? Yep, the week beginning Monday 26th March. If I can get tickets and convince someone to go with me I'm seriously considering missing the Thursday of my week in school. I don't know, it's so far away at the moment that I don't feel bad about saying I'd miss the Thursday, but when it came down to it I probably wouldn't dare miss it! I'm seriously pissed off about this!! Grrrrrr!!!!

On a better note though I've had three observations of my teaching so far and have a glowing report on all three of them which I'm extremely happy about :D I was very nervous of teaching year one since I was convinced I wanted key stage 2 after my job last year. Now though I'm reverting back to thinking I want to teach younger children (4-7 years) instead. When I was 4 I decided I wanted to be a reception teacher, when I was at uni I upped that to wanting to teach any infant children, then from working with slightly older kids last year I thought I'd prefer to teach them, but being in year 1 has reminded me what I love about teaching younger children the basics of learning to read and write. It is frustrating sometimes when you realise how limited you are by how little they can read and write but there's so much fun stuff you can do with them like role play and things. Also teaching children to read and write and helping them develop enthusiasm for learning was the reason I wanted to become a teacher in the first place. I guess with the lack of jobs around wanting to do both key stages is a good thing because I'll be willing to apply for any job that comes up around here!
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