Feb 17, 2004 22:06

I have had the most stressfull weekend!!!! On Valentines day I woke up happily (not) at 8 o clock am to go to a funeral. I hardley knew anyone there.....I hate funerals. Then I went to my second cousins (i think)house.They took hours to get there because they (my grandma and her sister) kept going the wrong way It was huge and that part was kinda fun because this guy had just sold his company for 8 mill and his house was big and they had a massage chair. Then I went to my moms straight from there where I enjoyed listening to my mom cry at the very mention of a car crash. funnnnn! Like even that music video (i cant think of the song!) where the girl in the car gets hit with the big truck after running away from that guy who you find out was dead boom! moms crying. That ruined the whole music video for me. Wow i sound heartlss but im in a bad mood! Then I came home and got sick. Couldnt get to sleep till two in the morning. Stayed home today. Had ten homework problems from thursday to do..I did none so there goes a big ZERO then 42 or so math problems from friday with like 4 or 5 problems in each of them ...I did about 20 so theres a big fat 50.....If I dont get an A or B in this class I have to re-take it. Talk about unfair!!!!! Oh yeah and along with catching up on my classes tomarrow night i also have to clean my entire room. Thats so not going to happen. I bet this is the best entry in my journal so far (not) I better go catch some zzzzzzs
o god i am a sad person.....oh yeah and before I go some kid asked for my number at the library. He looked about 8. I ignored him. I am such a dork. This year the only people who have asked me out are
.The 8 year old
Yup my life is the most pathetically stupid life that could possibly be in exsistance.
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