I was in stitches today. Had the back door open onto the garden as a nice day and to allow William to wonder in an out at his will. I'm upstairs in my study when I suddenly hear William go ballistic. I get up and look out the window to find him going nuts over the fact that there was a black cat walking along the top of the fence at the bottom of the garden.
He was not happy to say the least at having this dastardly invader in his territory *giggles*. He of course could get nowhere near the cat and the cat, I swear was taunting him! LOL
Their first meeting should have been love at first sight, sadly it was a doomed lover affair from the start...
Sir William: "I'm going to get you, Cat!"
Cat: "Sure you are."
Sir William: "Come down here, Cat, so I can eat you!"
Cat: "*snorts* Why don't you come here instead...Oh wait, you can't. So NANANANANANA!"
Sir William: "GRRRR WOOF WOOF GRRRRR! Just you wait, Cat. When I get up there, I'm so going to eat you!">
Cat: "Am I bovvered? *evil laugh*"
Sir William: "Mommy! Make the nasty kitty come down here so I can eat it!"
*giggle-fit* I know I shouldn't laugh at my own dog, but it was so funny when he kept looking at me as it to say the above. Eventually poor Sir Wiliam had to admit defeat and stalked back inside looking very sorry for himself. The cat - well the cat stayed out there sitting on the fence for some time until eventually slowly walking off no doubt to go an taunt another dog somewhere else. lol
Last night I made two posts - having a good ol rant about something to do with things going on in relation to photo ops for Asylum. Both I deleted, because just in the end just couldn't be bothered inflicting that on you.
Will just say now that all the drama is over. I'm so thrilled about getting the photo ops that I did and that no one is going to make me feel guilty for having them. So there *sticks tongue out* And finally despite a few reservations I have about what will happen at the con, I'm again looking forward to it very much. HEEE :D OMG Winchester Squeeze -lordie just thinking about it makes me go weak at the knees! LOL
Also SQUEEEE got into the Friday Autograph Session along with
dawnangelus and
zonikita. WOOT! Means I won't have to worry about them during the weekend and won't miss so much of the panels as I have at past cons. *happy dance*
And in other fandom news! SQUEEEE thanks to
sibelle_art who gave the heads up - I/we will be going to see John Barrowman in concert at Arundel Castle in August (What a fantastic setting!), along with
sibelle_art who will come and visit with me again, around that time. *bounces* Can't wait - not just for the concert but for her visit *squishes her senseless*. Just one more shiny thing to look forward to this year :D
Well, this post is certainly long enough so will sign out - have to go check on dinner which is cooking at the minute. To all those having a bad day, may it improve and may the rest of the week be better. To the rest, hope your day has been shiny *hugs to all*