make my job a big vacation (unusual verbosity, chaps)

Feb 28, 2008 10:14

Because I'm one of those bored procrastinators you always read about in the news (wait, what, no, not terrorists!), I will again indulge in one of these mad I-will-spill-my-secrets surveys.

39 Secrets About You.
(Stolen from marshMELO! Again!)

Be honest no matter what.

[One] Who was your last 3 texts from?
- ate mia, kurt, mom

[Two] Where was your default picture
- cravings. by guibee's lomo of laaav.

[Three] What's your middle name?
- agnes mary. orrrr felix.

[Four] Your current relationship
- single as Skipper (Barbie's lesser known younger sister)

[Five] Does your crush like you back?
- That is a very good question.

[Six] What is your current mood?
- easily amused.

[Seven] What color shirt are you
- blue and white (fight ateneo fight!)

[Eight] What's the color of your
nail polish?
- blue on the toes and (will be) gold on the nails (alaveet kp!)

[Nine] If you could go back in time and
change something, what would you change?
- a number of things, nothing immediately comes to mind, because right now i have no regrets.

[Ten] Where was the last place out of town, that you went to?
- Batangas.

[Eleven] Ever had a near death experience?
- When I was nine, I nearly drowned. And as Rixie always says, commuting is not for the faint-hearted because maaaan, dem Filipinos drive crazy! (But as she is now a driver herself, bet you she says dem Filipinos walk crazy!)

[Twelve] Things you do a lot?
- read. talk! whistle. listen to music. eat.

[Thirteen] Do you have a fondness for gnomes?
- not the harry potter kind. in fact. not at all. i like tolkien's elves though. i still want legolas. in a box. his hair looks really silky.

[Fourteen] Who can you tell anything to?
- Patch, Bea, Mandee, Alex, KP, Alysa, etc etc etc. The list is funny and kind of long and I really do talk to lots of people. :))

[Fifteen] Name someone with the same birthday as you?
- Regina Spektor, Matt Dillon, Yoko Ono etcetcetc my cousin-in-law Melina, my nephew Seth, and I am sandwiched between two baby cousins Dan(ielle) and Jat. ALAVEET.

[Sixteen] When was the last time you cried?
- last last week?

[Seventeen] Are you for or against capital punishment?
-  depends. if you're talking about damning a druggie who sodomized and murdered an old couple and then burned their house down, then i'm all for it. but if we're talking about the dad of four who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, then no, i'm not.

you have to think about who to kill before you agree to do it.

[Eighteen] If you could have one super power what would it be?
- flight. or invisibility. maybe invisibility is better, then i can sit on airplane wings.

[Nineteen] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
- height. and build. and voice.

[Twenty] Who is your favorite celebrity?
- Natalie Portman.

[Twenty-one] What is a theory that you believe?
- Gravity exists and entropy is inevitable and unstoppable. I also believe that the world will end sometime and that the doomsday vault is actually a very good idea. I also approve most of the things on Sam Black Crow's belief system in Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

[Twenty-two] Favorite color?
- Silver. But blue and purple will do in a pinch. And yellow!

[Twenty-three] What is one thing that annoys you on TV?
- Shaina Magdayao Annoying talentless people, stupid commercials.

[Twenty-four] Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
- Yes. Since most of the people I watch most of the time are minors. (aka the Siblings.)

[Twenty-five] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
- Coke. And I want some chocolate.

[Twenty-six] Do you speak any other language?
- Pilipino, a smattering of Japanese

[Twenty-seven] What's(re) your favorite food(s)?
- Melo's yogurt panacotta, vanilla ice cream, caramel lollipops, chocolate, wicked oreos and flamingwich from Flaming Wings, McDo fries.

[Twenty-eight] Describe your life in one word?
- kaleidoscop(ic)

[Twenty-nine] Have any tattoos?
- No. I haven't found anything permanent enough to want to wake up to it seventy years in the future.

[Thirty] What are you looking forward to the most?
- more books. seriously? tomorrow!

[Thirty-one] What are you thinking about right now?
-Coldplay songs

[Thirty-two] What should you be doing?
- several papers and extracurricular activities

[Thirty-three] Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
- A group of them.

[Thirty-four] What are you listening to:
- Coldplay's Shiver, the acoustic version.

[Thirty-five] Do you like working in the yard?
- if we had one, I'd like stargazing in it. That's astronomy = work!

I have cacti. I do not have a green thumb.

[Thirty-six] If you could have any last name in the world, what would it
- I like my last name. My first name needs special last names to balance it out.

[Thirty-seven] Do you act differently around the person you like?
- I'm not supposed to. I don't think so. NORMAL IS RELATIVE!

[Thirty-eight] What is your natural hair color??
- dark brown

[Thirty-nine] Why did you cry last time?
- i hate seeing people i love cry.

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