Jan 28, 2005 18:50
I think that I have decided something once and for all. After I get a degree or two, I will start my career, if I like it I will keep up with it and grow to be super successful. If I don't like it, I will move away and become a bum. I was talking to this guy earlier and he said that you learn about life in college... I replied saying that he was right, but what you learn in seriously been shown.told to you by a bias view. Most of what you learn while you live in college is going to be by something college-related. I mean. I will be a bum with 2 degrees. People, they will walk by me, most of them with degrees of their own, and they will either look at me in disgust, try not to look at me, or maybe there will be a few who will nod or give be a buck or two. None of them will know that I have a degree, most of them will be seriously judgmental and think that I got that way by drugs, or alcohol, or dropping out of school. They will think that I was worthless, that I had accomplished absolutely nothing. Just that I have lived a life that did not matter.
Maybe one day I will break all of that. I want to try that. I too am judgmental at times, I would like to break that as well. I have this mind of a fucking philosopher and it bugs me sometimes. I kind of want to do a Thoreau type thing, but with people around. I want to make it with absolutely nothing. I have a friend, I think he has done that before. It has to be amazing to know that about life. Its rare that someone with a degree will ever know a thing about that. Sometimes, people think that they are so smart, and for that most part, they may be. You can be smart in a wide area of things though. Don't look down on people, just don't do it.
And even if someone is a bum, and did get that way by drugs or alcohol, they are still smart. Think of what they have seen? Everyone is different, and nothing can change that. The people of America, and other parts of the world have a lot to think about. When are they going to stop becoming so money hungry???
All you really need to do is survive in this world. Screw the corporations...sorry to all you business majors out there. Every one has an opinion. Does that make me a hypocrite? Judgmental? Sorry.