
May 11, 2008 12:28

There have been a few backs this last days. Me being back, to begin with. Another one, a rather interesting and for me personally VERY intriguing was this Wednesday. After changing for gym class, I walk with Oscar and Marcus (who are, with me, the first to have changed) to the gym which is completely dark since we are the first ones to go inside there.

Marcus: I wonder how far inside we can go without the lights going on.
Oscar: I wonder how far inside we can go, NAKED, without the lights going on!
Me: o.O
Oscar and Marcus drop their shorts and underwear, revealing two gorgeous manbutts.
Lights go on, the two guys yelp and pull up their pants.

Very fascinating indeed XP.

So what happens today? I'm off to dance in maybe twenty minutes, 's gonna be reaaally nice. I dance streetjazz and today is the last class we have before the showcase next Sunday, the theme of which is The Wizard of Oz and our group are gonna dress up as the Tin Man (that's his name in English, right?) Which means I need to find grey clothes for next week. Ugh. I hate grey, it's such a boring colour. I don't have any clothes coloured singularly grey, I have some clothes which have like splashes of grey mixed with other colours but that won't work, will it?

Well that's about it for today, I think I'll update tonight as well!


manbutts, butts, back, naked, dance

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