Harry Potter

Jul 23, 2007 12:23

Oh. My. God.

I finished the last book yesterday and I am still thinking about it. That was definitely the best ending I have ever seen or could've imagined for a series of this calibre. Of this MAGNItude. So yeah, I cried. I absolutely bawled for like twenty minutes (most of it was when I was in the shower, quite a cliché movie moment) after I had put it down. It was like, "Omg."

"I've finished Harry Potter."

So I cried and cried and cried and then I finally stopped crying, and then my dad asked me if it was a good book and then I started AGAIN. Phew. So anyway. I am still too much in a shock to type down any thoughts. I need to process this book for like a week. Or a month. This was THE best book ever.

Favorite Book: in order from FAVORITE to LEAST: Deathly Hallows, Prisoner of Azkaban, Chamber of Secrets, Philosopher's Stone, Goblet of Fire, Half-Blood Prince, Order of the Phoenix.

Favorite Character: Luna, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Dumbledore, McGonagall.

Favorite Movie: Prisoner of Azkaban or Philosopher's Stone.

Favorite Spell: That's difficult! Ugh, don't make me choose. But if I have to say something, I'll say Reducto and Expecto patronum.

Favorite Couple: Ron/Hermione

Favorite Magical Building: Hogwarts.

Favorite Magical Creature: Oh dear...um hippogriffs, centaurs and unicorns.

Favorite Non-Human Character: Crookshanks or Hedwig.

Favorite Scene: The Battle of Hogwarts chapter in the last book. FANTASTIC.

Favorite Family: The Weasley's.

Favorite Class: Charms has always sounded like a lot of fun and quite frankly, so did Potions. I mean even though they had the pissiest teacher ever you have to admit it's a fascinating subject.

Favorite Moviescene: That was very difficult. Um, I'll take one for each movie then. The Sorting Scene, The Duelling Scene, The Leaky Cauldron Scenes, The First DADA Lesson, the DA Scenes.

Favorite HP website: Mugglenet. It's my sanctuary.

Favorite House: Ravenclaw.

Favorite bad-guy: Bellatrix Lestrange. You have to admit there is something very sexy about her.

Favorite room in Hogwarts: Room of Requirement or the Library.

Favorite Teacher: McGonagall, Lupin and Lockhart. YES he was the lousiest and vainest but that's what made him SO SO good!

Favorite Ministry Employee: Mr. Weasley.

Favorite Ministry Department: Uhm...The Committee of Experimental Charms (I believe that's the name.)

Favorite Magical transportation: Floopowder or Apparition.


We've got lice, all four children in the house and dad, and therefore to simplify treatment all the guys have to shave all their hair off. HOORAY. I'M SO LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. NOT. My sister is fortunate though, she has lice but all they're gonna do is cut of a bit of her wonderful long hair (which we have reassured her will grow out again.)


harry potter, deathly hallows, meme, lice

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