Stolen from
indilime, AGAIN.
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. This explanation should be included.
1. I have a whistle octave, which means I can reach really high notes. But it's pretty much useless now that my voice is changing and my mixed voice (where you usually sing) is completely gone. I mean it's fun to be able to sing The Queen of the Night's Aria but I'd like my mixed voice back.
2. I'm terribly picky when it comes to food. I only eat minced meat (meatballs, bolognese, hamburgers) and chicken. I love vegetables except for boiled spinach and broccoli. I'm not very fond of potatoes either.
3. I'm 15 years old and I still can't go to sleep as fast without as I can with my teddy bear. Call me pathetic but my teddy bear means an incredible lot to me. I've talked to it, cried on it, it's got memories. Yeah it's cheesy, I know.
4. I love reading my sister's Disney Princess magazines, I like the pretty pictures. But sometimes it's a LITTLE too below my age. Like nine years or so below my age.
5. I cannot stand hot chocolate when it has sort of a skin on top. It disgusts me everytime and I have to get it all away or I just can't drink it.
6. I have a thing for signatures. I love signing papers, it's weird but it's an absolute joy when I get a paper to sign. Except if it was for boot camp, I'd throw it away immediately.