OOC Permissions

Jan 21, 2021 18:28

CHARACTER SERIES: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon


Backtagging: Go for it! I'm almost always up for continuing a thread!
Threadhopping: Free game! I tend to do it myself sometimes. XD
Fourthwalling: You can try! She... probably won't believe you though. ^^;
Offensive subjects (elaborate): None, really? I'll let you know if it happens though?


Hugging this character: Like whoa! Most likely, she'll hug you first though, so be prepared!
Kissing this character: You can try! This she will, uh, be rather flustered/embarrassed at however.
Flirting with this character: Go for it! She'll be incredibly embarrassed, and will most likely rebuff you, but tis fine!
Fighting with this character: She will run as fast as she can, but I'm open to it. Just lemme know what's up. It's also possible her ginzuishou will react, however.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I'd rather not, but she's easily breakable if there's no backlash from the ginzuishou. Please let me know if you want to injure her. I might be up for plotting within reason.
Killing this character: It ends badly. PLEASE tell me if you want to try this, because there could be significant backlash from it.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: She's an open book!

Warnings: Just a note that, although she's mostly harmless, Serenity can also be a LOT of trouble. She's a teenage girl, in love, and in possession of a powerful crystal that reacts to her emotions. So just- be forewarned.

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