Reasons why anyone person should bother to know me

Jan 23, 2005 04:20

I will question you.
I will challenge you.
I will do this without cause that will bring you a lot of true meaning
because I can love you
because a part of me does love you
because a part of me cant
because I can change
because I will
because I wont do it for you
because I’ll want to
because I have no choice
because I can always find one

I will criticize myself for criticizing you
you will see yourself in me
because I don’t need you
because I’ll teach you why you don’t need me
because im passionate about what I do
because I can do with out it and still fake it till I make it
because I don’t know who I am
and neither do you

I will help you
I will teach you to help yourself
I can make you want to help others
I can do all this without trying
I can make it look easy
because I’ll do it so you can feel at home for a while
because I held you in my heart
because I gave you a part of myself that wasnt mine to give
I can help you believe in tomorrow
or make you feel that its some what bearable today

because I know
you can sleep
sometimes you weep
you yearn to kill a part of yourself in someone else
your willing to settle with this
you tried throwing yourself into an abyss

I know your hunger.
And yet you are still left wanting
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