Aug 14, 2010 17:59
Studies in Wharton begin earlier than in other schools, we started on the 2nd of August. Right now it's mostly courses in finance/accounting/statistics for people that did not have previous academic background in these areas. Also in Wharton you have an opportunity to waive any core class either by credentials, meaning previous academic achievements, or by taking a waiver exam. That is what I am currently working on. Next week I have three exams: accounting, micro (also lovingly known as Magic), and decision models. The latter is just linear algebra although I have not even opened the textbook on this one :)
I have already waived corporate finance and macro. I could not bear to hear about capital budgeting, CAPM and capital structure again! :)
Later on I am going to write about Wharton's most amazing aspect - people. Yes, W is a strong brand and the academics are important, but maaaan, the people that I meet and the energy that we all are creating and sharing is incredible.