Apr 16, 2004 11:31
well, only a few weeks of school left, and believe me, things are not winding down. i have not gone to bed before 4:30 for the past five nights. oh well. lots of good stuff this week. i thought i failed my math test, which was absolutely horrendous, but i ended up getting a C. not what i wanted, but considering the difficulty of the test, i will take it gladly. hopefully i can do well enough on my final so this grade will be canceled out. also, this weekend is Thurtene, which is a huge student run carnival that wash. u holds every year. it is the oldest and largest student run carnival in the country, i believe. all proceeds go to a different charity every year. it is run by a group of people involved in the Greek system, and all the fraternities and sororities have built these impressive stand alone theaters in which they will perform original skits and plays. then there are a bunch of rides that were rented as well. also, any student group on campus can have a booth. I have been helping with ENCouncil's booth - we built two skeeball machines and will also be selling cotton candy. truely awesome. if i can figure out how to get pictures on this thing you all can see it. this week is called lot week because everyone is setting up their booths all week long. it is pretty cool because on the lot at all hours of the day are tons and tons of people building and painting and doing it all for charity. we were working in our space last night at from like 11:00 to 1:45, and there must have been between fifty and a hundred people there besides us, at least. i just think this is exciting. of course, i won't really get to enjoy it because some brilliant person scheduled our last chem. test for monday, but maybe i can spare some time to watch a few shows - a bunch of people on my floor pledged in fraternities or sororities this year so i want to go support them. other good stuff included gorgeous weather and having my friend Kara hide Easter eggs in all our rooms. only bad thing was that wednesday was truely hump day. it was awful. i skipped my classes to get some more studying in for my test, so that was work i have to make up. then i took my test, which went miserably. then i went to orchestra rehearsal. now that starts at 7:30 and goes until 10:00, but my test got out at 8:30. no problem though, because i just take the 8:45 shuttle to west campus for rehearsal and get about an hour in from 9 to 10. the problem is that we are practicing two pieces for our last concert, the fabulous new world symphony by dvorak, and this weird contemporary piece that some guy composed for wash. u. for the 150th anniversary. i like maybe three lines out of three pages. now, usually we do that piece first, so i figured, hey, i'll miss it and then when i get there i can just play dvorak. but no, when i got there they had just finished working on the dvorak, so i had to start right in on the weird piece. and i only got to play half an hour anyway because he let us out early to work with the winds on their piece. although technically since the cellos rest for millions of measures i only played fifteen minutes. it seems like not a big deal, but at the end of a long, bad day, it was awful. total waste of my time. but anyway, thursday was better. so i guess i can take one bad day a week. now i just have to study for chem. but at this moment in time i must go to my next class. so farewell.