Jun 11, 2008 21:08
On my last visit to the doc, she and I discussed the fact that out of the 30 or so pounds I'd lost during the few months right after I was diagnosed with diabetes I've gained about half of it back. Worse, I'm doing a lousy job of controlling my blood sugar. The biggest difference between those first months and everything since?
During those first months I was injecting myself with synthetic lizard spit byetta every evening before dinner. Why'd I stop doing that in favor of oral meds? It wasn't a problem with the needles. Nope, giving myself shots is easy. The nausea that came with using the spit wasn't so easy to deal with, especially once she bumped me up to 10 mg dose.
So I switched to Januvia. The Januvia was great as far as lack of side effects go, but not so great results wise. Next came Janumet, which is a combo of Januvia and Metformin(which I'd tried way back when I was diagnosed with insulin resistance/pre-diabetes). Slightly better control, but stomach cramps and bloating. ICK.
So, on my last visit, Doc B suggested I start back on the 5 mg spit pen. I'm on day three. It definitely makes me think about everything I eat and drink. And everything I've read says the nausea will go away if I stick with it. I've just got to find the strength to stick with it, cause right now, by body wants to know WTF I was thinking agreeing to do this again.
On a positive note, my copay on the stuff went down so it won't cost me as much. And a pen will last me two months so...yeah..think positive....cost less....lose weight...eat less/better...get control of bloodsugar again. I can do this!!!