Feb 14, 2007 22:07
Today has been one of the few Valentine's where I actually got to celebrate. David, the wonderful man that he is, amazed me by sending a gorgeous boquet of flowers to me at WORK! I didn't even know that he had the address, and I was surprised that he even remembered that the holiday was coming up.
Unfortunately, he's working tonight. Luckily I gave him my Valentine's gift on Sunday. I made him two pounds of king crab legs. Half of it steamed in water, the other half steamed in beer. I also made shrimp, wild rice, garlic bread, salad, and veggies. He wasn't expecting a thing and we had a special "treat" after dinner.
I'm grateful for the direction my life has gone. This last summer may have been hell, but everything turned out to be wonderful. I feel better in my marriage than I ever have in the past. I actually feel like David is my LOVER, as well as my friend/companion/husband.
We're both developing better ways to communicate. We're also trying to get out of bad habits from the past, and devolop productive meathods that help us work towards our future. It's such a huge relief to see things continually change for the better. Now do I not only love David, but I feel like I am IN love with him.
I feel so silly sometimes. I get all giggly when I talk about him to the other girls at work. They all were jealous of the roses he sent me today. I can't believe how fortunate I am to have him in my life, and I look forward to the time when we'll truly be together again.
For now, I think we're both enjoying a chance to actually "date" one another. It is something we never did before. I'm so glad the man I'm married to is the love of my life. I hope everyone else can find the joy that I'm currently experiencing, and I'm sorry if my cheerfulness is bothering anyone. I can't help it . . . I'm truly HAPPY!