Jun 29, 2003 22:49
They left me for a while. With only two little girls, both a bit crazy, to take care of me. The Shepard must have been in heavy meditation cause there hasnt been a peep out of him in days. So he doesnt count. They left, most of them all dressed up and looking shiny and hot, just like a new outer hull. They came back all quiet and sullen-like and hauling their apparent spoils. Except for the Kid...he always is talking unless he's passed out from a bump on the noggin. Ahh...the excitement of pillaging.
Simon would make a bad secret agent. He couldnt sneak his way out of a hospital filled with blind deaf mutes! The Girl caught him and called him names. Though I'm shocked at the language from that girl, he is a bit dense at times. He came back before the rest of them did hauling some large bag. Is he now taking on jobs for himself? He shouldnt have even stepped one foot out of that cargo bay. Keeps this up, he's going to get himself pinched and there's not a bit I will do about it.
Eep! Just got pinged! Must find better way to further conceal myself and my crazy-bugs. Also have to prepare for my sensor upgrades that Wash and Kaylee are giving me! Hooray! Better get to work!