Title: Just a Few Characters: Steve, Danny & Grace Fandom: H5O Summary: From the word prompt: Guilt. Steve couldn't believe what he just did. Rating: K Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I sure wish I did!
aaaww...very cute!! love me some M&M's myself....and i have been attacked a bugger of a plot bunny for this fandom as well..still scribbling things down...don't type fast enough..maybe someday i will post when ever i get it done...keep the stories coming!!
Thank you. I look forward to your post when you get it down. I have been reading fan fic for quite a while now and have been wanting to write. It finally took this show to get me to do it. Good luck with your bunny...
it is funny how one show will do that but not others...i am not sure i will post it...it may be a while yet to get it done..i am not a very good writer...we will see how it goes..thx for the vote of confidence though...
I'm not a very good writer either and before this past weekend, I had never written anything. Like I mentioned with the first story I posted, nothing ventured, nothing gained. You should continue to write your story and take a chance. If nothing else, you could get help on how to improve. Good luck to you and.....in the words of Christopher Robin.....Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.
wow..thanks for the inspiration!! i finished one part of the story and i thought the plot bunnies were done...guess not...they attacked again with another story...now i gotta fix them up real pretty before i can even think about sharing...one step at a time...thx again!!
ps...you are almost my neighbor..i live south of your border in MA...small world!!!
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