Fan Goodies

Oct 19, 2009 21:12

Some new fanart that I made with the amazing GimpShop. It is amazing how it really does look & feel like photoshop. Most are Logan, Dean, Micheal/Sarah or Fred/Wesley. Snag whatever you like, just please comment to let me know what you are taking.  Most of these are animated as well.  I will post some of my fav old ones later


Dean Banner #1
Dean Banner #2
Dean Icon #1
Dean Icon #2

Veronica Mars:

Banner #1
Banner #2
Icon #1


Banner #1
Banner #2
Banner #3
Icon #1

Prison Break

Banner #1
Banner #2
Icon #1
Icon #2

Nick Carter

Icon #1

wentworth miller, veronica mars, nick carter, micheal scoffield, logan echolls, prison break, supernatural, kristin bell, angel, dean winchester, jensen ackles

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