So I Have Decided...

Jul 18, 2011 13:56 put my silly affairs in order and start putting all my written/unwritten/semi-written fics together. There's like a cartload of them, every time I pick up my old notebooks, I keep getting astounded by the stuff I wrote and then depressed because I never finished them, ever. And then I just, you know, shut them back in my desk and wallow in self-pity for weeks until I re-open them. Sigh. Such a vicious cycle. I kinda hate myself for being like that. Besides, it's just a little but persistent fear that if I complete them and put them on somewhere, no one is going to read them. That'd just make me very, very sad. So I run away from it, I'm kinda really good at running away from stuff.

So today I'm bunking from work, not that there's much work for a dental surgeon to do in the Trauma Center except changing dressing and doing I&Ds. It's like they don't consider us doctors at all. I'm feeling chipper, and very writer-y. Maybe I'll accomplish something yet, today. Let's see.


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