Okay, I am still very very upset about last night's episode, and it's
consuming my life until next week. I don't know if I'll be able
to hold out. So what I'm doing is when I get all antsy about it,
I'll probably just watch last night's episode over and over again
(since I taped it, even though I watched it while it was airing), even
though it'll make me cry, until next week's episode comes.
However, I'm so scared about next week's, because they break up.
And if nothing happens, then I don't know if I'll be able to
deal. :::tear tear::: I hope at least something happens
besides the break-up next week (although they might break up at the
very end of the episode, which would make it even worse). I know
Lorelai is devastated (we saw that from the trailer), and I hope we
might see a little bit of Luke's reaction (which I assume he's just as
hurt about it, even though he initiated the breakup, I don't think
that's what he REALLY wants), and we see Rory/Logan (I mean, I love
them together and all, but I wish they wouldn't show them next episode,
they're not as important as L/L), but I hope we see L/L when they meet
in the town or something. ANYTHING that might lead towards
recovery. Even if it's bad, because sometimes they make the
breakup relationship go down to hell before it comes back up and good
again. Just ANYTHING. You see how hard I'm taking
this? And now people want me to change my icon (both lj and AIM),
but my icon's a symbol of hope for me, so keep it I shall, until
justice prevails, and Luke and Lorelai reconcile again!!!!!!
Okay, now you see how truly sad my life is, because that is my entire
entry. My devastation at Gilmore. Please, A S-P, if you can
hear me (which you can't), PLEASE bring L/L back together SOON!
Someone said, "It's good when breakups are in February, because that
means they'll be together again by May." I hope so, I hope
sooner! But I cannot change it, I can only be a mute observer...
I need them together again.... my life isn't complete.