Finals are OVERR!

Jan 28, 2005 16:42

Ah, finals.... FINALLY over.  It was a very stressful week, and now I just feel so drained.  I was so busy studying and taking finals and stressing about them, that now I just feel tired and drained.  I am SO ready for this 3-day weekend.  Unfortunately, come the end of the 3-day weekend, appears my new schedule, complete with PE.  I’ll miss Art.... :( Well, at least I got back my zebra today.  I’m so proud of it, as I well should be, seeing as I worked my butt off for weeks doing it.  The only good thing about finals are the half-days.  However, I did have to walk home every day.  But whatever.  And, not for any of you, but just for my own personal benefit, I shall break down each final, in order of taking them.  Almost all my grades were borderline, so I needed specific grades on the finals to get my hopeful grade in the class.

World History - The first one.  Pretty easy, since it was from Meyer, but I totally bombed the map part.  Well, I think I’ll get an A in the class, anyway.  Unless I did significantly worse than expected on the final.  My prediction is a B on the final, and an A in the class.  Next semester I get him 6th period, so I hope the people in that class are okay.

English H. - Effin impossible.  I mean, Frankenstein was the first book we’ve read so far that I actually enjoyed.  I read it all when we were assigned to, and I actually liked the book.  I felt I understood it.  However, I made the mistake of missing the review session.  Luckily, Kaitlin came to the rescue, and when I called her in desperation, she faxed me her notes from the review.  So I basically memorized those, and I did know all the vocab, but I’m still screwed.  Mrs. Wass it truly amazing to make those 15 pages, front and back, the most miserable pages ever.  Plus, they were all stupid, irrelevant questions.  The point of reading the book was to analyze it and discuss it’s meaning, not to dissect it and pull out the most nit-picky details possible.  I just need to let it go.... and I’m in for another wonderful next semester, great.  My prediction?  Like a C on the final, giving me a B in the class, hopefully. (as long as I passed the final, I get a B in the class)

Algebra II - My favorite one.  Funny, since math is my least favorite subject.  How strange...    Anyway, I needed an A on the final to maintain my A in the class.  Every 5 questions missed dropped you a letter grade on the final, and, it just so happened there were 7 questions I wasn’t sure about.  I need to make sure I got 2 right so I could maintain my A.  Thank goodness for Henderson.  “So you do this, then this, then this, and you get this answer.  That answer is one of the options on the test, right?”  Hehe, I love Alg. II.  So, I got my A on both the final and in the class, I think.

French II - Uggh, that one was bad.  I’m really bad on verbs, and almost the entire test was on verb conjugation.  It was awful.  However, I think I scraped a low B on the final (that’s what Whittington said she thought I got), so I think I keep my A in the class.  Since when was French hard?  That baffles me more than anything...

Biology H. - Took that one today.  I should have studied more.  This was the one final that truly disappointed me.  I underestimated the final, and didn’t really prepare as I should have.  I needed a grade I thought easily achievable to keep my A in the class, but I didn’t get it.  Final grade?  Not worth mentioning.  Grade in the class?  88%.  It was a 91% before the final.  That final determined my grade.  That really sucks.  But, I have no one to blame but myself.  I am DEFINITELY working harder in Biology next semester.  No slacking off.  I can’t depend on my final to get me through to my desired grade.  That’s what I did this semester, I expected to get a good grade on the final, and hoped that would pull me through.  But it didn’t.  I need to keep my grade in a good, stable position so that I can maintain it even if my final isn’t so good.  I’ll keep that in mind next semester.

Art - No final!  Well, actually, that’s not true.  My zebra was the final project, and I finished it.  So, instead, we watched Napoleon Dynamite.

Then, I walked home in the rain.  The wonderful rain.  And I had my awesome iPod to listen to all the way home, so it was good.  It’s great to get all that pressure off my chest.  This weekend, I’m going to relax, go to driver’s ed tomorrow (yuck), but mostly relax.  And just so I end on a happy note, here’s a snippet of conversation we had in Alg. II.  Classically hysterical (or maybe you just had to be there...)

(Looks out window and sees people walking up the ramp)

Kid: “Dude, there’s people coming in.”
Henderson: “Who is it?”
Kid: “They’re, like... Asian.”

(The people come in, look over the classroom, then leave)

Darcy: “Ad-ee-os”.
Henderson: “Darcy, shut up.”
Darcy: “What?  I was just being nice and saying good-bye.”
Henderson: “You said a Spanish good-bye with a semi-Asian accent!”

Haha, well, I guess you had to be there.... Hannah S. and Hannah M. know what I'm talking about.  Later!

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