might as well

May 09, 2006 13:14

I am logged into my LJ right now so I figured I might as well update, about what I don't know. Well I recently started a blog which is fun, I am suprised I like to update there and not here. I basicly just update about games and movies and review them. Go to http://jsosrandomstuff.blogspot.com/ to see it. Other than that I have been basicly watching tv and movies and playing videogames.

What else to talk about, right now my sister Nanny McPhee and her boyfriend Jeff are sitting in my grandma's room. The fact that anyone would date her is creepy on it's own but he more than double her age, 21 to 47.

Also my little sister had surgery yesterday to get a cyst or something off her gulbladder or other organ. I feel bad that I don't actually know what happend but no one ever actually told me a lot about it. She is still down in Iowa City recovering and will come home Wednesday I think. And I forgot to send my presents down with anyone for her.

Well my sister and her boyfriend just left, now I can breath easy. Well thats it for now. And sorry if my update is poorly put together I can't seem to concentrate right now. Asa lama lakem.
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