I debated whether to lock this post and make it friends only, but in the end I decided to leave it unlocked, as I know the EDS newsletter can only link to open and public blogs, and perhaps other newly diagnosed people are kinda going through the same things I am.
The one where I whine self-indulgently for a while )
Yep, I have quite the DVD collection as well! My set up is in my bedroom, so when I'm feeling really crappy I just go to bed and watch a boxset or a really good movie to distract myself.
Also *yikes* at your photo, lol. I can do the crab, but I definitely don't bend that way! WOW. Does that hurt? And.... how do you get up again?
Luckily so far I haven't had any pressure from my doctors to lose weight, although I'd assumed they would (have heard plenty of other people's tales) but I would like to lose a little bit for my own health. I'm just trying to do it slowly - problem is with me is that I don't have a great appetite at the best of times so I don't tend to eat much, then I'll get all 'wurgh' and need something quickly and tend to go for junk as the quick fix.
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