Seven days until Christmas meme nicked from 7veilsphaedra

Dec 20, 2009 23:34

Little behind but here are 7 things (even though here there are only 5 days till Christmas) that made me irrationally happy today:

1.       I found $40 while cleaning out my desk.

2.       I found a badge in my drawer that reads, ‘Who needs text books, google it’.

3.       My sister had a big night last night and chucked in the bath after claiming she took after mum and never threw up. We were also informed that she was ditched by a drunken mate, Bennet, and didn’t know how to get back to the pub. So she called our cousin Marc. She then proceeded to blubber on the phone to him, so he left the club and ran the 1km to her where he found her hiding behind a plant. He then walked her the 40m round the corner to the pub her friends were at and played Dr. Phil most of the night because somehow Bennet ditching her was all her boyfriend’s fault. Marc also had to have the taxi pull over twice so my sister’s boyfriend could throw up.

4.       Hamish and Andy Regifted: A Very Early Christmas Special, being repeated. I missed it the first time.

5.       Learning the BBC producers who first auditioned Bowie before he was Bowie!, thought he had no personality.

6.       The Vampire Diaries - not nearly as bad as I thought and Damon is cool.

7.       Two great Dollhouse  episodes.

Ok, today was an inside day but the other day I took to dry retching at the longest traffic light to grace the southern hemisphere so haven’t exactly felt peppy.
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