Dentist and Thanks

Dec 08, 2009 17:34

I went to the dentist today and had my teeth scoured and cleaned. My gums hurt. Not so much that I need any kind of pain relief but chewing is a no-no. I had a huge build up of plaque that bloomed like blue green algae in the Murray in the last 6months. Which coincides with when I got a new electric toothbrush which apparently caused me to change my technique and miss parts of my teeth (I got a new one today. There are electric tooth brushes at $250! That’s more than the dentist appointment!). Don’t do that. It took an hour to get all the build up off. I also discovered that a few of my teeth are sensitive and don’t like a metal tool scraping crap of their surface.

I don’t like the dentist.

But something I do like is 7veilsphaedra who sent me a Christmas virtual gift. Thank you very much. Made my day. *hugs* Sorry about the icky post the thanks is in.
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