Jan 04, 2006 09:08
The New Year has begun and I don't feel that much different.
Some things are good, some things are bad.
Dan and I have been dating 7 months now. I haven't broken up with him this week. We're happier than we have been in a very long while.
The UW still hasn't called in my Effexor prescription, not great.
Almost done with the stuff to finish up last quarter.
The class from last spring quarter that I had an incomplete in...I guess the teacher finally gave up on me. My Incomplete has been changed to a 0.0. Yes, completely my own fault. Those of you so inclined, please don't berate, I don't have the emotional capacity for it at the moment.
My to-do list has been growing and growing, but I'm finally starting to emotionally and physically start ramping back up to doing this. Blob does not even begin to describe how I've been lately. I've done nothing, talked to no one, gone nowhere, etc. I avoid my phone cause I don't want to listen to messages...I only talked to a few people this last whole month. Trust me, it's me not you.
Classes started yesterday but I wasn't there. Here at school today, dentist at 12, back for my 1:30 class.
For now I'm moving one day at a time trying to get things done.
I have to keep reminding myself that I can't fix other people's lives until mine is stable. *le sigh* Other people's lives are so much easier for me.
Just keep reminding myself, I can graduate in 6 months, I can graduate in 6 months!!!