Heartwarming...Sort Of

Nov 18, 2005 10:59

Not so heartwarming, the inordinate number of people using the computers right now, requiring me to be working on a Mac! Actually, much less sucky than I feared. Of course, I did used to use Mac's exclusively back in the day.

On to other things...

A couple of weeks my Mom went to a benefit auction for a group of Native American tribes. She happened to sit down at a table with a man named Scott. Now Scott is a nice, good looking 20 something year old man who suffers from cerebal palsey. This means, for those of you who don't know, that Scott's ability to walk is severely limited. He told Mom (and her friend Mona) that he had seen the ad for the auction in an elevator somewhere in Seattle and had decided he wanted to go. He left his (group) home at noon that day, walked to a bus stop (slowly) and traveled the busses until he managed to make it to the park entrance by 5 pm. He then spent the next two hours walking the mile to the building where the auction was being held.

At the end of the night Mom was talking to Scott about how he was getting home. It was late and Scott said he was hoping someone might give him a ride up the hill back to his bus, but if not he'd just walk and wait until one came for him. It was 11 pm or so at this point and Mom realized that at best, Scott would get home at 6 am or so. More likely, he'd miss all the busses back to the Eastside (where he lives) and end up staying in Seattle until the morning. So Mom, in her very Mom-ish way, told him she was driving him home and proceeded to get him there by midnight.

What's amazing to me is that this young man, with all the difficulties that he has in life, still takes on challenges like going to Seattle to an auction because he wants something interesting to do. He's not daunted by his physical limitations or by the fact that often things must not work out his way and he ends up staying on bus stop benches, etc.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about Scott (of course this just happened recently) and asking myself why I do so little? I've been having some serious problems in school since I basically checked out of life for a couple of weeks. As my physical limitations and my illness make me feel sorry for myself, I've been picturing Scott, spending two hours to walk a mile with cerebal palsey. I'm sure he has his bad days too, but what the hell am I complaining about? I may be sicker than the average person, but I've also been blessed more than the average person.

Damn it Cass, get a grip and solve your problems, don't dwell on them.

Hopefully the story of Scott can help inspire you too to focus on the positive rather than negative aspects of your life.
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