Dec 04, 2008 23:29
I haven't crocheted since ninth grade. Like back when disco was new. Morgan now owns (and proudly wears) the ONE scarf I ever finished; grape purple (school color, doncha know) and frizzy-fringed.
Got me a Dummies book (no apologies given here; I AM their target audience!) which helpfully includes south-paw illustrations (WHEW.). Found the right-sized hook (buried in the yet to be re-organized Art Room~~~ S.c.a.r.y.). Got some silly green/brown/black/weird camo variegated yarn of the proper weight and even-ness to not mess with my head, fingers, and eyes. Surrendered to using reading glasses. (
(one of many lessons learned NOT try to begin anew with any of the Very Cool funky yarns found on various sale tables recently.....tootoo pretty to be practical AND oh-so NOT for beginners!!!)
My fingers are a bit raw in new spaces, my shoulders are a bit cramped (omfg...WHO gets sore from f-ing crocheting??!?!?!?!) Gaw.
But I now have a relatively evenly spaced bookmark that I'll likely lose if I bring it camping.