Oct 02, 2006 13:01
I feel like it's been forever yet again since I've updated so I figured I might as well because I have nothing to do at work. That seems to be a common theme all the time, ya know?
Anyway, school is all right this year. I ran out of classes that I had to take for requirements so I'm stuck with pretty much really easy classes. I feel like I never really have to do any of the work for my classes because my professors don't even go over it and it won't be on the exams. But whatever. I'm dealing. It's weird because things changed this semester with these classes and I have quizzes pretty much every week. It's weird. I'm used to just studying for 3 or 4 exams during the semester for each class and that's it. This whole doing constant work thing isn't my style. But i guess maybe it'll work out in the end cause I'm not cramming everything in. We'll see. I don't even care that much about my grades this semester. I'm just ready to be graduated and done with all this and off to grad school to make more money.
I love my friends to death. You really have no idea. The past four months since I started dating Nick have brought me so many new friends and even better connections with old friends and I absolutely love it. I wouldn't switch this group of friends for anything. At any moment, I know that I have at least four people that I can complain to, talk to, debate with, or reveal my inner heart to without hesitation. I'm definitely not a hermit anymore like last year and it's great always knowing that I'm gonna have something to do on the weekends. It's actually interesting how I don't even really talk to any of my old best friends, either from distance, their busyness, or whatever. Not that I don't miss them, but I think I'm happier now.
Having Nick be one of these people makes it even better. We're going on over four months now and while there's always bumps, the road has been extremely smooth and he's amazing. I never thought that the two of us would get together and yet this is my happiest relationship. It's great to be in one that isn't filled with drama and stupid high school shit. We've both grown up from that and we're finally at an adult place that's perfect. He's a really good kid. There's absolutely no one like him. Someone always has to make a comment about our weirdness and just realize that "yeah, you two are the perfect pair." Like I wear his Guinness sweatshirt and he refuses to give back my black and pink and glittery flowered Roxy sweatshirt. That's just us.
Poker rocks my soul. I played again with the boys last night but I got out third and I took one person out so I'm good with that. Plus, Nick won and he gave me my money back. It's good when we play because we're both pretty good and if he wins, he gives me my money back and I give him his when I win. Everything works out ;)
What else? Work is good. It's always good being busy with the three jobs and now I'm babysitting every other week so it's technically four jobs. I like making lots of money and then if i'm not busy I get bored, so it's all good. Now Nick just needs to start working again so that I'm not spending money anymore. Not that we've even done much lately but partying takes money that we both need. So wooooooot.
I'm trying to get back to the gym to make myself a little happier. I've been relatively good at it because even if I don't feel like getting out there I can still work out in my townhouse. It rocks having a lot of room. I'm doing my best and I feel like there is a little improvement. I just need to step it up a little and actually find the time to do it all. I can't wake up in the morning like I used to because my body stays on its weekend sleep time of 2 to 3 am, which makes me exhausted if I need to get up at like 7 to work out. Plus, I have my 8:45 on tuesday and thursday so I feel like I wouldn't have enough time for that. I'll figure something out.
I'm hungry.