Feb 14, 2006 10:56
So, as many of you know we've met quite an array of people these past few months.
One in particular, whom shall remain nameless, but those of you who know will know who I'm talking about.
I think there has been a huge misconception made in the mind of people on what Witnessing should be.
From the time I've become a Christian, I've been told the greatest witness is yourself, and the changes in you life. Not bombarding people with Bible verses and telling them that they're heathens.
"Pop quiz hotshot":
Someone is sitting near you crying. You go over and talk to them, and they tell you that they just had sex with a guy and then he dumped them. What do you do?
From what I've seen of a couple people we've met these past few months they would go over to that person and start telling them that Jesus loves them and that God loves them, and maybe even just randomly start praying over said person.
The biggest problem with this persons response: They don't know the person and never bothered to get to know them. Now, this is not a wrong way of doing this by any means. But in today's world it is not a safe way to go about it.
I recently watched a comedian on Comedy Central and he made a joke about talking to the crowd about Jesus and he continued to say "You can make anyone uncomfortable by saying 'I'd like to talk to you about Jesus,' Even if I were to say that to the Pope he's reply 'Hey, I leave my work at home.'"
Which is funny, and also a bit true. If you go into a conversation just yelling about Jesus and his Grace, you're in a losing battle.
Now, same scenario, how I think most of my friends would handle it:
We would go over and talk to them and just listen and say comforting words to them. Not tell them about Jesus until they are in fact friends, or the person brings up the question "Why are you being so nice to me?" Reply "No one's perfect, that's why we needed Someone to help us out."
The difference is that they get to speak. In today's society no one wants to be told what to do.
We can't just go up to people and say "Jesus loves you." It'd be nice if we could. But people have their free will. We can't tell them what to do, nor can they tell us what to do.
Life is full of choices. People screw up. No one is perfect. If we try to portray a that we are perfect, people are just going to brush us off, because their thinking is "Well, I can never amount to that, I'll screw up somewhere, so why even try"
So, what's the biggest key to Witnessing to me? Love and honesty.
Not blurting out Bible verses and inviting people to church and praying over them, until they are comfortable around you.
I dunno. Lemme know what you think on this.
Tonight, at 6 P.M. there is a special episode of The Price is Right. Just thought you'd like to know. = P