Jan 14, 2011 03:19
its nights like these that i love; leaving work and making the short drive to the Devil's Advocate and having no idea how much fun I'm about to have. On my tiptoes, looking for a familiar face without the advantage of technology because i left my phone in my car, turning on my heel in attempts to avoid the guys who keep calling me a "gorgeous anna nicole," brushing off the men at the well who attempt to reel me in by stating that i look like a sexy escaped prisoner. "Its the striped shirt, isn't it? I appreciate your originality, but you just don't interest me." Drawing a cheering crowd when Cameron pulls out the Connect Four board and we duel as I sip my rum and coke and he pushes his hair behind his ears in routine concentration. Teasing Tom beyond his capacity and making Bill bellow out my drink orders over the crowd, all the while dancing to Prince's crooning with Colin and Torri.
I'm proud of the life I've built in this short year. I'm happy, I'm comfortable, and I feel like this is where I'm meant to be at this point in time.