So I did what I promised myself I wouldn't- delayed starting on my government paper until it was due. I wrote most of this yesterday (Monday) and just now finished it. Hooray! :D Don't judge this paper too harshly... I wrote it all in about six hours, maybe less considering the breaks I took. I got the required five pages, and it's not completely
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Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark case, and remains to this day an important piece of American history; not only for what it did in the 1950s and 1960s, but for its ongoing legacy ((this conclusion should probably be a little bigger...maybe do a whole "so what" on the entire paper. if it's allowed, say what you got out of researching and learning about this. if you're not allowed in the paper, talk about the lives it's changed or something like that~)).
all in all, this is a very well-written paper. your writing style is very simple and for the most part, you get it out in one solid motion. really all i said within your paper were just things to keep in mind...this is an excellent paper, especially for a draft [: taking with what i said and revisiting it yourself, though, will really beef it up and kick it up to an astounding paper. good job!
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