So I did what I promised myself I wouldn't- delayed starting on my government paper until it was due. I wrote most of this yesterday (Monday) and just now finished it. Hooray! :D Don't judge this paper too harshly... I wrote it all in about six hours, maybe less considering the breaks I took. I got the required five pages, and it's not completely
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In the end, the Supreme Court voted unanimously in a 9-0 opinion in favor of the plaintiffs. The fact that there was no dissension in the final vote was seen as being vitally important by supporters of desegregation in that any dissenting opinions could be used by supporters of segregation as arguments in favor of segregation ((very meaty sentence. you might wanna lighten that up just a tad.)). The key to the Brown v. Board of Education can be summed up in one of Chief Justice Warren’s statements: “We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” ((what that his statement or written opinion?)) In making this ruling, the court effectively overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, which had been in place since 1896. In the words of Justice Stephen Breyer, “May 17, 1954, was a great day in the history of [the Supreme Court]. Before May 17, the court read the 14th Amendment's words 'equal protection of the laws,' as if they protected only the members of the majority race. After May 17, it read those words as the framers who wrote them immediately after the Civil War meant them to be read, as offering the same protection to citizens of every race.” (qtd. in “50 Years After Brown”) ((this is probably just a note, but just in case, i have to say that this is incorrect cited in MLA format))
A year after Brown v. Board of Education, the court brought the case to the forefront again. In Brown I, the decision was made that separate facilities are inherently unequal, but there were no provisions made for desegregation. In Brown II, as the 1955 case came to be called, the court stated that desegregation should occur “with all deliberate speed”; the court also delegated the responsibility for this mandate to the district courts.
There have been many lasting impacts of Brown v. Board of Education. As stated previously, it overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and in so doing re-defined the fourteenth amendment as applying to all citizens ((don't restate things. it's very important to get to the point in papers.)). It was the “harbinger of the federal government’s return to the civil rights arena” (Milestone Documents); it also provided a substantial boost to the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. There was definite resistance to the implementation of the orders of the Supreme Court- fourteen years are Brown, less than 20% of black students in the South attended integrated schools. In large part, busing was meant to resolve that resistance to change. Many whites protested strongly against desegregation and busing. In the years after Brown, the NAACP and the plaintiffs involved in the Brown case were targets of hostility.
There have also been long-term impacts of Brown. There continues to be legislation and court cases that reference or are directly connected to Brown. For example, in June 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that Seattle, Washington and Louisville, Kentucky couldn’t take steps to bring students of different races together (Resegregation Now). Some people see Brown as a thing of the past, that is flawed and, while it should be remembered, it should be buried (Don’t Mourn). Others view Brown as one of the most important court cases in history, if not the most important, and that anything that challenges or tries to change Brown is an assault on history and civil rights ((the second half of this's lacking the so what in it. the first half is great, and you may wanna wanna expound on that.)).
Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark case, and remains to this day an important piece of American history; not only for what it did in the 1950s and 1960s, but for its ongoing legacy ((this conclusion should probably be a little bigger...maybe do a whole "so what" on the entire paper. if it's allowed, say what you got out of researching and learning about this. if you're not allowed in the paper, talk about the lives it's changed or something like that~)).
all in all, this is a very well-written paper. your writing style is very simple and for the most part, you get it out in one solid motion. really all i said within your paper were just things to keep in mind...this is an excellent paper, especially for a draft [: taking with what i said and revisiting it yourself, though, will really beef it up and kick it up to an astounding paper. good job!
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