Apr 05, 2010 05:49
So. This semester.
History is going fine. We've had two tests so far (not counting the map test at the beginning of the semester), and I've gotten 27/30 on both of them, which is 90%. I'm pleased with that. I've pulled some major cramming sessions with those tests- as in, I waited too long to start reading the chapters for the coming test, and that resulted in me spending hours upon hours in the library at school reading. I almost think it's a good thing though, because I pack in all that information within a few days before the test, so it's pretty fresh in my mind. Next test has to be taken by next Wednesday (instead of the week after that, like I thought). Thanks a lot professor, you fucker.
Government is... ok. I got an 88 on the first test, which, once again, I was pleased with, considering I didn't study much at all for it and was expecting to do a little worse.The next test is on Tuesday and, true to form, I haven't started studying yet. I'll probably go over the review that has the objectives and mentally check off what I know and don't... and look at the potential short answer questions. Next Tuesday, the paper is due. Again, true to form, I haven't even started on it. I'll probably be in the library this week/weekend doing research for it (when I'm not in the learning lab for chemistry!). The paper has to be eight pages long... I hope I can get it to that length. I'll try to pick a court case that has a lot of information.
Chemistry. Not bad, but not good either. I failed the first two lecture tests with mid-60s, but after the curve, I got mid-80s. My midterm grade is an 84. Currently we're working on thermodynamics and electrochemistry. I think we'll get into nuclear chemistry this week? Those are the three chapters that are on the test. Barring any weird-as-fuck questions regarding thermodynamics on the test, I think I've got that down pretty well, which is surprising since in lecture, that chapter was making me go 'whaaaaa?', but the homework was actually shockingly easy... just time-consuming. The first part of the electrochemistry chapter that deals with reduction and oxidation reactions was confusing me, but I think I overcame that hurdle (for the most part. I have a few questions regarding the homework). The latter part of that chapter... to be honest, I wasn't really paying attention. I was so beyond exhausted on Thursday night that I couldn't stay awake, and kept nodding off. So annoying. Hopefully I can get through that section of the homework without too many problems. I would so love to pass this next test (which will be the week after next, I think...) on my own, without the curve.
So all in all-- I've got a government test this week, government paper due next week (which means I'll be researching this week), chemistry homework due on Thursday, two chemistry labs due on Thursday, a history test next week, and a chemistry test either next week or the week after. FUUUUUUUCK I HATE BUSY WEEKS.
In other news... our youngest cat (the boy) is demon spawn. I was trying to clip his nails, and he just was not having it. He wasn't hurting, I think he just doesn't like being restrained. Anyway, the little rat bit me. He bites and scratches me fairly often, but he bit down hard this time, on the fleshy/muscly pad of my hand. It still hurts to put pressure on it. Grah. I like to say he looks like an angel but he's totally the devil in disguise. Why yes, I did just make an Elvis reference.
I think that's about it for now :)