Meme from hobbitbabe

Apr 13, 2020 10:00

Questions and answers, the former from
adrian_turtle, who is awesome, and at least one of the latter stolen from
hobbitbabe, who is also awesome.

Last time I traveled abroad: Tokyo, 2006. I don't travel much. The last time before that, not counting trips to their house in Tijuana when the kids were little (early '90s), was when we moved back to the US from Spain in 1978.

Last time I slept in a hotel: Probably FOGCon 3, 2013. Wow.

Last time I flew in a plane: August 24th and 27th, 2018, to visit
stonebender and

Last time I took a train: A non-subway train? Probably a dozen or more years ago?

Last time I took public transport: Well, I quit my job in the Bay Area 9/30/2014, and we moved to San Diego the next day, so probably that week.

Last time I had a house guest: Years and years and years. Last sleepover guest may have been
ljgeoff and her crew, who slept on our floor, and that was simply YEARS ago.

Last time I got my hair cut: Right before I interviewed for this job. Let's say October 2014?

Last time I went to the movies: Oy. When did World of Warcraft come out in 3D? My kid won tickets to it.

Last time I went to the theatre: Last semester or the semester before. Mom and I went to a few student performances at the college I work at.

Last time I went to an art museum: no idea. Certainly at least a decade.

Last time I sat down in a restaurant: Maybe two months ago, Mom and I tried a Somali fast-casual place near us called Farida's. It was good.

Last time I went to a party: I sound like a broken record, but years and years and years ago, unless you count work parties, which I don't.

Last time I saw anyone I am related to in person: Every day. James and I live next-door to my mom and uncle, and I see my kids from a distance on a near-weekly basis.

Last mail sent: months ago, though I'm considering taking up letter-writing again. I have some of your addresses. You have been warned.

Last mail received: Almost certainly something from
piglet, who is an astoundingly good correspondent, but we also got a Giftmas card from

Last time I video-conferenced: Yesterday, with my dad, stepmom, two brothers, and their kids, so like a dozen or so of us.

Last time I had an audio conference call: I have a dean who conferences me in with people from time to time, so probably a month?

Last time I had a phone call: Non-work: last weekend. Work: day before yesterday.

Last text message: an hour ago, from my mom, who texts me "Good morning I love you" every morning and "I love you good night" every night, complete with cute gifs.

Last email from a person: 10:23 last night.

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