In the past week, I wrote something every day. Wrote a total of 8,239 words, not counting blog posts and tweets; submitted 14 pieces for publication; finished writing 1 poem; and had 4 pieces rejected. (I celebrate rejections; they're my sign that I'm doing what I want to do, which is get my writing out there. Acceptances are better, but rejections are good.)
A ton of my time is being devoted right now to the
Resistance Manual. At least a couple of hours a day, and more on the weekends. It is what is keeping me from despair, but I also think it's what's making me feel productive enough to get some writing done and some pieces submitted.
I am trying to be careful not to burn out, but being busy with something that matters is so enriching. I used to pine for something like this when my friends like
wild_irises were out meeting and marching and paying off people's home loans and stuff, and I could barely get out of bed. Now I have something I can do that doesn't actually require getting out of bed (or comfy chair), and it's something I really believe in, so I feel so good about it. Plus, working on the disability stuff means I'll be providing resources so that more people with disabilities will be able to resist without feeling like they have to be able to march or get arrested or do things their bodies don't want to do.
One thing I want to make more time for is a big chunk of time per day to really work on improving my writing. I consider myself a writer of medium competency and very little... giftedness? or something? But I know any writer can get better by really working at it, so I want to do that more in the weeks and months to come. I have a lot of writing projects in various stages of completion: my finished but unedited NaNo novel, a few chapters each of two other novels, a first draft of a nonfiction book, and so many early drafts of poetry that I can't even tell you. This is me pep-talking myself into making that stuff more of a priority.
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