Election 2016 (US)

Aug 13, 2016 08:47

When it was important to me that there be a Green Party in California, I worked for it. Collected signatures, got the party on the ballot, attended platform conventions in Santa Cruz, marched, made posters, talked people's ears off about proportional representation, etc.

When it was important to me that Obama win the presidency, and that diverse voices be heard in the election, I got out the vote -- registered ex-felons and others, went on neighborhood canvas runs with like-minded folks, talked people's ears off about his platform and record.

It's important to me that a billionaire fascist with no sense of honesty and decency, who is completely unsuited to rule a company, much less a nation state, not win against arguably the most qualified candidate who's ever run for the office. I don't always agree with Secretary Clinton's decisions around foreign policy, and I think she has moments of tone-deafness that make me cringe (on Twitter, you can see me cringe), but she's qualified to do the job. She's a stateswoman. She's presidential. And she isn't a nazi, misogynist, jingoistic, foul sack of shit.

I'm in California, so I'm trying to figure out how to help make sure she wins -- and then after she wins, that Trump and his rabid minions don't foment unrest in the country.

Some ideas I've had so far. Thoughts welcome.

* donate to her campaign and/or DNC and/or MoveOn and/or...?
* go to battleground states and help get out the vote (not sure I have the wherewithal to do this, but I'm considering it)
* phone bank in said states (again, not sure I have it in me, but it's an option)
* Your Idea Here

I can't just sit and watch this happen. I have to do what I can do. Not sure what that is yet. But I have to do it.

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clinton/trump, politics

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