Trust and a Situation Like This.

Jun 22, 2008 16:33

I should've listened to Titi Julia when she told me not to trust you as much as I do. I should've listened. I should've listened to my mom not to be too open with you. But I didn't because I really trusted you.
Now, after I got out of the shower and I was helping my mom around the house, I hear that you told my mom that I was "upset at Mambo"? What the hell. Such a way to twist my words. What I had told you was that even though my parents don't agree with my 'you had it coming' attitude at some things, this was one of the moments when it applied. My grandma was not progressing or listening to us, she was moving backwards and basically hybernating. I told her that that's what happens when you don't take care of yourself. To twist my words and say that I was mad at her, that I was upset at my grandma who is in the fucking ICU, is fucking stupid.

I wont ever tell you anything that can make me seem like a bad person again.

You did tell me, though, that my aunt left you for some other punker chick, that you had broken up a while ago and to not tell anyone.


You don't tell my father and I things like that, because as soon as you, my aunts, and the punker chick left the room, my mom asked and we told her.

So fuck you, Dolores!

a big "fuck you"

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