
Jul 11, 2008 22:30

Laura here!  It's been a while since I updated this, but alas, I am.  Let's see..what all has happened...

I got into manga, specifically Shoujo, I made friends with a teacher who I now consider as a sort of mentor, got into writing more, lost friends, gained enemies, found music, found art and writing by an awesome guy, and got into enrichment camps.  Which, incidentally, I'm going to one on Sunday(two days!) and won't be back for two weeks.  Yeah, sorry.

Anyways, I will be more faithful to this journal, will make more than one post a year, and'll probably have more interesting stuff to day.  For one:

1) Teachers are people too and, often, they have similar interests and can write amazing fan-fiction and will let you help develop concepts for the sequal.

For more on that, look at the creative empiricist.  Teacher, made of awesome, and mentor. (YAY!)  For two:

2) Weddings are now a personal enemy and I will not go and you can't make me.

For more on that, just wait 'till I update.  You'll find out soon enough.  Anyways, I'm going to go now.  Sleep is calling and I need to get up by 8 tomorrow or I'll be completely turned around for my camp and will wake up on pancake day and shovel them down and now be able to swallow. "I ca't swawwow.  I's 'oo 'ry."  Oh, the things that boys try to do on pancake day...But, I shall leave on this note...

"But I *like* beans and toast!"

writer's club, wedding, school, vacation, changes, laura

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