May 03, 2007 15:54
Today i did more drawings and cooked some mexican wedding cake cookies while waiting for Bjorn to be done with his exams. I hope he does well on them. I want us both to do well. I'm so happy he got a job this summer i was scared about him having nothing to do. Finding a job working on computers and shit is an interest of many people and it is tough to find a place that will take sophomore computer students they usually want juniors because they will be graduating soon so the place can higher them after they graduate. Hannah told me last week that she has never seen me express feelings towards anyone but Bjorn. I guess i am a closed person mainly because i don't trust people. I have been with Bjorn for so long i have this bond that i know he won't fuck me over. I have never really had that feeling with friends. I love when the past catches up with you like ex boyfriends emailing you or ex friends or friends you haven't spoken to in a long time. Even if it ended badly i want the person to be happy and i wish them nothing but that. I even want ex boyfriends that completely fucked me over to be happy. Yesterday i was watching Patch ADams which is my inspiration movie and i realized that the most important thing is to make others around you happy because it will make you happy. I feel so good about myself when I can make someone else's day better. I may not trust people but i will show compassion towards people. I can't wait for this weekend. I had the best smoothie last weekend it was so delicious.