OOC: Profile

Sep 07, 2010 17:23


Player's Name: Raven
Player: koohii_cafe
AIM: oregami heart/tsukino moon
Email: easternelvenlady@yahoo.com
Time Zone: EST

Name: Tsukino Usagi | Sailor Moon | Serenity
Fandom: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Version: Alternate Universe
Housing: B3, Yil, Tessera

Princess Serenity is the most powerful and oldest of her forms. This is the form she was originally born into in the Moon Kingdom as the daughter of the queen. Serenity’s hair is the same ebony black as that of Usagi and she wears the top half up in a braid bun. Upon her forehead is a golden crescent moon with both points up- the sigil of her royal status as the princess of the moon. When the Moon Kingdom still existed, the dress she wore to all formal occasions was a beautiful white floor length gown with a collar of delicate tulle flowers. Since she has been reborn on earth, this is the gown that appears whenever she takes the form of Princess Serenity. If she stays in the form of Serenity for long periods of time, she is apt to wear all white when she needs to change, preferring dresses over anything else.

Sailor Moon is the personification of her powers as a senshi. Although this form didn’t exist in the Moon Kingdom, it manifested after her rebirth on earth as a way for her powers to be used. Sailor Moon has golden blonde hair done up in two buns with ponytails hanging down. In her hair she wears four barrettes, two round pink clips with a white trim over the buns and two sets of three pearls with stylized feathers standing up from them. Her uniform is a stylized sailor fuku, not unlike those worn by school girls in Japan; a short pleated blue skirt, a white bodice with three puffed sleeves, a pink bow at her breasts with a heart shaped broach, and a blue sailor collar with white stripes. To match her uniform she wears white elbow length gloves with pink cuffs and a pair of knee high pink boots with a white cuff and a golden crescent moon adorning the top. She also wears a pink collar with a golden crescent moon that has a small pendant hanging down, a pair of golden star shaped earrings with a crescent moon hanging from them, and a golden tiara with a brilliant pink jewel in the middle. The heart shaped broach on the bow of her uniform acts as the catalyst for her transformations between forms and also holds a powerful crystal that can only be wielded by lunarian royalty.

Sailor Moon has one additional form that has awakened since her rebirth on Earth; Princess Moon. This form is more powerful than Sailor Moon and has access to the powers of the crystal. She wears the same style of uniform as Sailor Moon, but hers has a more formal air to it. A ring of pearls are added to her round pink hair clips, her collar and the waist line of her bodice, the pink cuffs of her gloves are replaced by pearls, and her tiara is made of golden pearls. Instead of the pearl and feather barrettes, she wears a crown made of white pearls between her buns, and her broach transforms to be a hollow silver heart with a pink gem within. The puff sleeves of her bodice are replaced by lace and a white lacy underskirt is added beneath the uniform. Additionally, the stripes of her sailor collar are yellow, the pink of her front bow is lighter, her back bow is made of white lace and hangs longer, and her boots are white with a pink cuff.

Lastly, Tsukino Usagi is the form that she was born to on earth. While she wears her hair in buns similar to the ones Sailor Moon wears, her hair is shorter and, instead of blonde, it is the ebony black that is common for the Japanese. When attending school she wears the sailor uniform of Juuban High, a pleated blue skirt and a white top with a blue sailor collar and red neck tie. Out of school, Usagi wears a great variety of outfits, often leaning toward short skirts and cute dresses. At all times Usagi wears her transformation broach as the necklace it appears to be in civilian form.

On the surface, Usagi is just an average teenager. She’s lazy and will do almost anything to get out of work and unpleasant things like school, tests, and watching her little brother. Her loves include anything sugary, playing video games, karaoke, shopping, and just hanging out with her friends, of which she has many. She’s your typical social butterfly, making friends with almost everyone she meets and always seeing the good in people. If you never saw her in any setting other than school or the karaoke parlor she frequents, you’d never guess that there are so many other levels to her, hidden deep within.

As Sailor Moon, she is justice. Despite her dainty looks and pedophile approvedfrilly uniform, she is a tough fighter and will suffer no evil to pass under her watch. Sailor Moon takes her duty to protect the Earth very seriously, as she sees the threat of Kunzite and Metallia as her own fault. If need be, she would even sacrifice her own life to protect Earth and her loved ones.

When transformed into Princess Serenity, she is also calmer than any other time. As Serenity, she holds the memories of the Silver Millennium and that grants her age beyond her years, bringing an intelligence and eloquence that isn’t as evident in her everyday life. At the same time though, she is much quieter as Serenity, regretting the mistakes of her past more in this form than at any other time.

As Tsukino Usagi, her only strengths are those of her passion and love for life and the people around her. She’s one of those people who can always put a smile on your face and she’ll be happier for it herself. Self sacrificing to a fault for her loved ones, in time of distress or darkness she can always bring herself back from the brink with thoughts of her family and friends.

As Sailor Moon, she is physically stronger than most humans and tougher as well. She’s not the strongest of her senshi, but she can take more damage than a normal human and she can hit harder. Her magic though, is her main strength. With the aid of her moon wand she can deliver heavy magical assaults that can either heal and purify a human or destroy anything else, most notably creatures of darkness.

As Princess Moon, she has many of the same strengths as Sailor Moon, but she can access the ginzuishou to a point as well. Several of her attacks in this form are very heavy hitters. With the moon sword she can devastate enemies with a single attack. She can still use Sailor Moon’s lesser attacks in this form, but usually this transformation in battle calls for more power than Sailor Moon can provide.

It is as Serenity though, that she has the most raw power. When needed, Serenity can channel raw energy from the crystal in her broach and use it to wreak terribly destruction upon her enemies. Notably, Serenity has the power to heal with her touch, anything from life threatening injuries to small wounds. The bigger the damage though, the more it takes out of Serenity, drawing energy from her own life force. The most powerful of her abilities though, is that with the help of the crystal, Serenity can change the world and even bring the dead back to life. The downside to this power is that do so would cost Serenity her own life.

Tsukino Usagi is as weak as any other human being physically. Even with all the power she holds as Sailor Moon, Princess Moon, and Serenity, in her earth born form she is nothing more than a normal girl.

As Sailor Moon, her biggest weakness is that most of her attacks are more geared toward healing and purifying than toward fighting, and those that are take some time to power up. Most of the time she is forced to rely on her senshi to distract the enemy while she prepares to attack. Also, her transformation only lasts as long as she is conscious. Were she to be knocked out, she would de-transform to Usagi.

Princess Moon’s attacks are more geared for offense, but she has little in the way of defense in this form. This is especially true while she’s charging an attack. She can deflect some attacks, but while she’s charging she is, in effect, helpless. Once again, her transformation only lasts as long as she is conscious.

Serenity’s main weakness is that her powers thoroughly drain her of energy. She can hold this form even if she falls asleep or is knocked out, but if she runs out of energy she will de-transform to Usagi. If she uses too much power as Serenity, it is not uncommon for her to become ill or weak, and she can die from the loss of energy.

In all forms, Usagi is just as susceptible to illness and disease as any human. She is also prone to sacrificing herself to take care of her loved ones, to the point that she died in her attempts to right the lives of her friends. An enemy could easily convince her to do anything they wanted if they could control someone she loved.

Usagi has several items that would be considered notable possessions that she would still have access to in econtra; the ginzuishou, her broach, her cell phone, her moon stick, and her moon sword. Her broach is a small pink heart shaped necklace in civilian form that, during her transformations, is worn on the bow of her uniform. It contains the crystal known as the ginzuishou. The ginzuishou itself is a large crystal that holds an enormous amount of power. Her cell phone is actually a magic powered communicator given to her by her advisor Luna. It grants her the power to communicate with Luna as well as transform her appearance into anyone she can take a picture of. Her moon stick powers her attacks as Sailor Moon and is a pink rod with a crystal crescent moon attached. It is stored in a sort of pocket dimension space that Sailor Moon can access through her powers. Her moon sword is a flat-ish triangular blade with a pink hilt that powers her attacks at Princess Moon. It is stored in a sort of pocket dimension that Princess Moon can access through her powers.

Tsukino Usagi was your average Japanese teenage girl. She loved manga, sweets, popular bands, and school vacation. Her favorite pastimes were visiting the local karaoke parlor, Crown, and hanging out with her best friend Osaka Naru. The scariest thing Usagi ever had to do was take home poor test scores to her mother, and she liked it that way, even though she sometimes dreamed of being some wonderful hero like the mysterious Sailor V who was always on TV. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

It was an ordinary day that came with an extraordinary twist. As usual, Usagi was running to school, trying to hurry so she wouldn’t be late. As she crossed one of the many foot bridges that were between her home and the school, something landed on her face, blinding her momentarily. She panicked and threw it to the ground, only to realize that it was a cat plushie with a golden crescent moon on its forehead. Confused but knowing she was late, Usagi just put it on the wall of the bridge and ran off to school. The cat was completely forgotten. That is, until she crawled into bed that night to sleep and found the plushie lying beside her pillow! Her confusion at the appearance of the plushie only doubled when it stood up and started talking to her!

The plushie introduced itself as Luna, telling the frightened teen that Usagi was the person she had been looking for; Sailor Moon, one of the guardians sworn to protect the moon princess. Luna went on to say that she’d been following Usagi all day just to be sure, surprised that such an ordinary girl would be the soldier of the moon. She warned Usagi to avoid a jewelry show that Naru’s mother was putting on because it was dangerous, then headed out when Usagi climbed into bed and tried to convince herself she was dreaming. She left but one thing to prove to the bunny that she was real, a cell phone that she could use to contact Luna at times of need.

The next day found Usagi outside the venue the jewelry show was to be held in, trying to climb to the roof to break in since she had lost the tickets given to her. Just as her foot slipped and she fell, Luna arrived, conveniently just where she landed, breaking her fall. The plushie was surprised to see her there, but apparently it proved to her that Usagi was indeed worthy of the mantle of Sailor Moon. She gave Usagi a heart shaped necklace with which to become Sailor Moon, then showed her how to use her cell phone to transform herself into anyone she could take a picture of and Usagi snuck in pretending to be a model. They arrived just in time to confront a youma that had taken over Naru’s mother. Usagi panicked at first, running when the youma came at her, until Luna reminded her to transform. With the words “Moon Prism Power, Make up,” her life was forever changed.

As soon as she transformed, she was flooded with memories; who she was, what she had done, and why she was there. She was Sailor Moon, yes, but that was only a front, an illusion to protect her true identity. Her name was Serenity, and she was the princess. The youma was defeated effortlessly and immediately the guardian of the moon turned her eyes to where she could feel someone hiding. After a moment, realizing he’d been discovered, a young man stepped out, asking her who she was. He was Jadeite, she knew, and she told him frankly that she was Sailor Moon, and that she wished a meeting with his liege. He was surprised, but acquiesced and gave her a time and place to meet him at.

After de-transforming, Usagi took the shocked Luna and returned home to talk with her. She needed to find out how much her plushie advisor remembered, and fill in the gaps. Luna, still in shock over what had happened, promptly began to scold Usagi, telling her that she’d ignored a chance to attack the enemy. Once Luna wound down, Usagi insisted that the plushie tell everything she knew of their mission, the senshi, and the princess. Unfortunately, Luna’s memory was pocked with holes and woefully inadequate. In the end, Usagi simply transformed into Serenity and told Luna the past in its entirety.

During the Silver Millennium when the Earth was one kingdom, the Moon another, the princess of the moon and the prince of the earth had fallen in love. Unfortunately, their love was a forbidden thing, for the prince of earth, Endymion, was betrothed to a noblewoman of his kingdom, Lady Beryl. While Beryl was not a jealous woman, her father often spied on the prince in efforts to help secure his daughter’s place on the throne of earth. It was through his spies that Endymion’s love for the moon princess Serenity was discovered. The discovery was grounds for war between the two kingdoms. Despite Beryl’s pleas to the contrary, her father spearheaded the campaign for war against the moon kingdom. In the end, Endymion was labeled a traitor and the war began.

In an effort to keep the label of traitor that had been put upon him from spreading to his loved ones, Endymion left earth for the moon during the war, leaving behind even his four most loyal guardsmen, the shitennou. His departure spared his family and the shitennou from being persecuted, but convinced the leader, Kunzite, that he had indeed betrayed the kingdom of earth. As the highest ranking officer in earth’s military, Kunzite took lead of the war, personally heading battle after battle. In the end, Kunzite stormed the palace himself, against the protests of his fellow shitennou, and killed Endymion before Serenity’s eyes, then intending to finish her off as well. Serenity used the powerful crystal known as the ginzuishou, an heirloom that could only be wielded by Lunarian royalty, to protect herself. Unfortunately, in her grief and inexperience with the ginzuishou, Serenity destroyed both kingdoms in a powerful surge of energy. In her last seconds though, as she realized what she had done, Serenity added in a twist- she, Endymion, Beryl, the shitennou, and her own senshi would be reborn in the future, given another chance at life.

Luna was shocked by all that Serenity told her. Once she recovered, she insisted that Serenity awaken the senshi immediately. She also insisted that Serenity should not meet Jadeite at any costs, as he was obviously tainted by darkness and such a meeting would put her in danger. Serenity de-transformed into Usagi, giving her plushie advisor a simple smile and saying that she could handle everything herself.

In the week that passed between her first battle and the upcoming meeting with Jadeite, Usagi put out a notice for the mysterious Sailor V. Once her memories had awakened, Usagi had known instantly that Sailor V was actually Sailor Venus, her cousin in the Silver Millennium and her shadow warrior, the leader of the senshi who was to protect the princess at all costs. The day before the scheduled meeting, Usagi came home to find the famous pop idol Aino Minako in her bedroom. Once upon a time, a huge fan of Minako, Usagi might have fangirled and possibly fainted to find her idol in her room, but now it was different. From the moment she saw her in person, Usagi recognized her as Venus.

The pair had a long talk that evening. Minako had already awakened to her full power as well as her memories, just as Usagi had. She filled her princess in on all the battle she had waged so far, nothing more than minor youma and brief encounters with a thief known as Tuxedo Mask, who was in actuality the reincarnation of Endymion. With a heavy heart, Usagi agreed that she would avoid her love for now, as it would be for the best. Usagi then filled Minako in on her encounter with the youma and her plans to meet with Jadeite and his liege, Beryl, the next day. Minako argued at first, as Luna had, but Usagi was firm in her decision. Then Minako tried to convince her to let Minako pose as the princess, which had been her purpose and intent as Sailor V. Once again, Usagi declined. She could not let Minako take her place, not when it was her own fault that the kingdoms had been destroyed so long ago. She did agree though, to let Minako come with her as Sailor Venus.

The next day, Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus arrived at the agreed upon spot to find Jadeite waiting for them. If he was surprised by the appearance of Venus, he didn’t show it, instead escorting the pair to a rip in the dimensions that led to the pocket dimension Beryl resided in. In that meeting with Beryl, Venus and Moon were able to get Beryl’s side of the story on what had happened since Serenity’s actions.

As it turned out, while Serenity, Endymion, and the senshi had been reborn on earth, due to some twist of fate Beryl and the shitennou had been pushed into a pocket dimension. They had considered that maybe this was due to the fact that they had been on Earth when the ginzuishou acted, a significant distance away from the origin, but none of them had been sure. What they did know though, was that the pocket dimension acted as a sort of time barrier, allowing Beryl and the shitennou to remain ageless and watch over the Earth.

There was a being trapped in the pocket dimension known as Metallia that craved power. When Beryl and the shitennou had first arrived, it had tried to drain them of their energy, but was foiled by their own power and ability to fight back. It had then tried to seduce them with promises of power if they freed it. All but one, Kunzite, were able to resist. Kunzite still harbored anger against Endymion and Serenity, and decided that allying himself with Metallia would grant him a chance at revenge. He sealed a portion of the dimension away from Beryl and the others, then began working with Metallia to drain the people of Earth of energy. Once Beryl had realized what was happening, she’d rallied Jadeite, Nephrite, and Zoisite to work against him. Beryl herself couldn’t leave, but the shitennou could, and they often traveled to Earth to foil Kunzite’s plans. Jadeite had been on his way to defeat Kunzite’s latest youma when he’d found that Sailor Moon had beaten him to the punch.

At the end of a long conversation, Sailor Moon both agreed to work in tandem with Beryl and the shitennou, and she revealed that she was in fact Serenity. It had not come as a huge shock to them, as they still retained their memories of the past and had known that there was no Sailor Moon during the Silver Millennium. They warned her to be doubly careful of Kunzite, as he was very intelligent and would easily make the connection, then Jadeite escorted Venus and Moon been to Earth.

Things began to move quickly after the meeting with Beryl. Usagi and Minako were out often, fighting together with the shitennou against the youma being sent to earth. Tuxedo Mask, Endymion’s reincarnation, appeared often at first, but the shitennou rebuffed him. Usagi did not want to face him, as she couldn’t let herself love him out of respect to Beryl. Eventually, he stopped coming to the battles, tired of being pushed away by the shitennou.

Almost as if drawn to Usagi, her court appeared one by one. Mizuno Ami was actually in the same class as Usagi. Usagi had recognized her as Sailor Mercury immediately after awakening as Serenity, but she refused awaken her or make her fight for the very person who had destroyed her in the past. Hino Rei had appeared at a shrine near Usagi’s school. She was the reborn Sailor Mars, but once again Usagi refused to awaken her. Lastly, Kino Makoto, Sailor Jupiter, transferred to Usagi’s school. Usagi still refused to awaken any of her senshi. She did, however, become close friends with them outside of her life as Sailor Moon, spending as much time with them and Minako as she could.

Venus and Moon fought endlessly with the shitennou to end Kunzite’s threat to the Earth, but he managed to slip past them often, Metallia’s powers growing as he did. The youma became stronger, giving the senshi and shitennou more of a challenge than ever before. It was during on particularly tough battle that four senshi appeared; senshi that Sailor Moon had never imagined had been reborn. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto had been her mother’s court and had died early on in the war but- somehow Serenity had sent them to be reborn with the rest when she used the crystal. The four senshi, known as the outer senshi, arrived just in time to turn the tide of the battle. With their help, the youma was easily defeated. When the battle was over, and after some pleading from Moon, the outer senshi agreed to return to the pocket dimension to meet with Beryl.

It was decided there that the outer senshi would take over guarding Usagi and fighting the youma Kunzite set loose. Venus and Moon would join them, as they had with the shitennou, but the shitennou themselves would begin to go after Kunzite directly. With these decisions set, the outers de-transformed and introduced themselves to Minako and Usagi. Sailor Neptune was Kaioh Michiru, Uranus was Tenoh Haruka, Saturn was Tomoe Hotaru, and Pluto was Meioh Setsuna. The four lived together in a large home on the outskirts of Tokyo and invited Usagi to live with them. She accepted for two reasons, the same reason they had issued the invitation; living with the outer senshi would allow her to more easily do what she needed as Sailor Moon as well as give them a better chance to protect her- and battles had been getting close to home, Kunzite homing in on the identities of Venus and Moon, so moving protected Usagi’s Earth-born family.

The battles went on for several more months before the shitennou were able to locate Kunzite’s Earth-based hide away from which they could finally assault his section of the pocket dimension. All six senshi gathered with the shitennou and together attacked. Just as they entered the pocket dimension- Sailor Moon blacked out, only to awaken in another world.

Raven claims no copyrights or ownership of Tsukino Usagi.
Tsukino Usagi is portrayed by Sawai Miyuu.
Tsukino Usagi belongs to Takeuchi Naoko.
Sawai Miyuu's image is used in conjunction with Tsukino Usagi.
Raven has no connection with Sawai Miyuu.
This is a Role-Playing Journal.

All graphics made by sailor_icon unless otherwise stated.

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