OOC: Profile

Oct 26, 2019 22:49


Player's Name: Raven
Player: koohii_cafe
AIM: oregami heart/tsukino moon
Email: easternelvenlady@yahoo.com
Time Zone: EST

Name: Tsukino Usagi | Sailor Moon | Serenity
Fandom: Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon
Gender: female
Age: 16
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Version: Alternate

Usagi has three different forms that she can take depending on the situation; Princess Serenity, Sailor Moon, and Tsukino Usagi. In all three forms she stands at 5’0” tall, her figure extraordinarily thin considering how much she eats on an everyday basis. She commonly wears her hair in two buns, one of either side of her head, with ponytails trailing down from them. Her eyes are a beautiful sapphire blue that stand out against her pale skin.

Princess Serenity is the most powerful and oldest of her forms. This is the form she was originally born into in the Moon Kingdom as the daughter of the queen. Serenity’s hair is more of a whiter blonde than both of her other forms and she wears two barrettes made of three pearls each in front of her buns. She wears a pair of matching earrings as well, three pearls that curve up to follow the line of her ear. Upon her forehead is a golden crescent moon with both points up- the sigil of her royal status as the princess of the moon. When the Moon Kingdom still existed, the dress she wore to all formal occasions was a beautiful white floor length gown with short puffed sleeves and a line of golden crescent moons as the top of the bodice. Since she has been reborn on earth, this is the gown that appears whenever she takes the form of Princess Serenity.

Sailor Moon is the personification of her powers as a senshi. Although this form didn’t exist in the Moon Kingdom, it manifested after her rebirth on earth as a way for her powers to be used. Sailor Moon has the same golden blonde hair as Usagi and she wears four barrettes, two round pink clips over the buns with a white trim and two sets of three pearls with stylized feathers standing up from them. Her uniform is a stylized sailor fuku, not unlike those worn by school girls in Japan; a shirt pleated black skirt, a white bodice with three puffed sleeves, a pink bow at her breasts with a heart shaped broach, and a black sailor collar with pink stripes. To match her uniform she wears black elbow length gloves with pink cuffs and a pair of knee high pink boots with a white cuff and a golden crescent moon adorning the top. She also wears a pink collar with a golden crescent moon that has a small pendant hanging down, a pair of golden star shaped earrings with a crescent moon hanging from them, and a golden tiara with a brilliant pink jewel in the middle. The heart shaped broach on the bow of her uniform acts as the catalyst for her transformations between forms.

Lastly, Tsukino Usagi is the form that she was born to on earth. Physically she looks identical to Sailor Moon, but her identity is protected by a glamour of sorts so that one cannot see the similarity between both forms. When attending school she wears the sailor uniform of Juuban High, a long pleated blue skirt and a white top with a blue sailor collar and red bow. When in school uniform, she wears her transformation broach in the middle of her bow. Out of school, Usagi wears a great variety of outfits, often leaning toward short skirts and cute dresses. When in casual wear, she either wears the broach as a necklace or keeps it in her purse or pocket, whichever is handier.

On the surface, Usagi is just an average teenager. She’s lazy and will do almost anything to get out of work and unpleasant things like school, tests, and watching her little brother. Her loves include anything sugary, playing video games, reading manga, shopping, and just hanging out with her friends, of which she has many. She’s your typical social butterfly, making friends with almost everyone she meets and always seeing the good in people. If you never saw her in any setting other than school or the arcade she frequents, you’d never guess that there are so many other levels to her, hidden deep within.

As Sailor Moon, she is justice. Despite her dainty looks and pedophile approvedfrilly uniform, she is a tough fighter and will suffer no evil to pass under her watch. Sailor Moon’s duty is to protect the innocent and bring an end to the wrong doings of the wicked and she takes that duty seriously. So seriously, in fact, that she sacrificed her own life to make up for the wrongs that her mother did to the people she cared for.

When transformed into Princess Serenity, she is also calmer than any other time. As Serenity, she holds the memories of the Moon Kingdom and that grants her age beyond her years, bringing a sort of peaceful quietness to her demeanor at times.

As Tsukino Usagi, her only strengths are those of her passion and love for life and the people around her. She’s one of those people who can always put a smile on your face and she’ll be happier for it herself. Self sacrificing to a fault for her loved ones, in times of distress or darkness she can always bring herself back from the brink with thoughts of her family and friends.

As Sailor Moon, she is physically stronger than most humans and tougher as well. She’s not the strongest of her senshi, but she can take more damage than a normal human and she can hit harder. Her magic though, is her main strength. With the aid of her moon wand she can deliver heavy magical assaults that can either heal and purify a human or destroy anything else, most notably creatures of darkness.

It is as Serenity though, that she has the most raw power. She can still use Sailor Moon’s attacks in this form, but usually this transformation in battle calls for more power than Sailor Moon can provide. When needed, Serenity can channel raw energy from the crystal in her broach and use it to wreak terrible destruction upon her enemies. Notably, Serenity has the power to heal with her touch, anything from life threatening injuries to small wounds. The bigger the damage though, the more it takes out of Serenity, drawing energy from her own life force, and the longer it takes to heal. The most powerful of her abilities though, is that with the help of the crystal, Serenity can change the world and even bring the dead back to life. The downside to this power is that do so would cost Serenity her own life.

Tsukino Usagi is as weak as any other human being physically. Even with all the power she holds as Sailor Moon and Serenity, in her earth born form she is nothing more than a normal girl.

As Sailor Moon, her biggest weakness is that most of her attacks are more geared toward healing and purifying than toward fighting, and those that are take some time to power up. Most of the time she is forced to rely on her senshi to distract the enemy while she prepares to attack. Also, her transformation only lasts as long as she is conscious. Were she to be knocked out, she would de-transform to Usagi.

Serenity’s main weakness is that her powers thoroughly drain her of energy. She can hold this form even if she falls asleep or is knocked out, but if she runs out of energy she will de-transform to Usagi. If she uses too much power as Serenity, it is not uncommon for her to become ill or weak, and she can die from the loss of energy.

In all forms, Usagi is just as susceptible to illness and disease as any human. She is also prone to sacrificing herself to take care of her loved ones, to the point that she died in her attempts to right the lives of her friends. An enemy could easily convince her to do anything they wanted if they could control someone she loved.

Usagi’s most prized and guarded possession is her transformation broach, a pink heart shaped locket that opens and aids her in transforming into Sailor Moon. She always carries it with her, either pinned to her clothing, worn as a necklace, or in a pocket or purse.

Usagi keeps her disguise pen close at hand. It closely resembles its namesake, a pink pen with a crystal on top, but was a gift from Luna shortly after Usagi became a senshi. It has the power to disguise Usagi as whatever she wishes to be, and comes in handy often. She keeps it on her person or in her subspace pocket.

Usagi’s main weapon is the moon wand. An heirloom from the Silver Millennium, it is a golden crescent moon attached to a pink rod, and is used to channel Sailor Moon’s attacks. It is stored in a subspace pocket that Usagi can access at any time, and appears in times of need.

Usagi also ‘carries’ a powerful heirloom known as the ginzuishou. The ginzuishou is an ancient crystal that has been within the royal line of the moon for millennia, and was passed to Usagi after the death of her mother, Queen Serenity. It has the power to change the world, at a high price. The ginzuishou was literally made a part of Usagi when she was reborn on earth, inside her body with no way to physically access it.

Tsukino Usagi was your average Japanese teenage girl from Juuban, Japan. She loved manga, sweets, popular bands, and school vacation. Her favorite pastimes were visiting the local video arcade, Crown Arcade, and hanging out with her best friend Osaka Naru. The scariest thing Usagi ever had to do was take home poor test scores to her mother, and she liked it that way, even though she dreamed of being some wonderful hero like the ones from her manga, particularly Sailor V. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

Usagi was fourteen when she ran across a group of boys torturing a cat on her way to school. Enraged, she chased the boys off before tending to the cat, a beautiful black cat with two bandages over its forehead. The blonde pulled them off to reveal an odd crescent shaped bald spot, causing the cat to suddenly jump away and glare at her. She was vaguely freaked out by the eerily human like stare the cat gave her, but didn’t have too much time to worry before she realized she was late to school and ran off in a tizzy. The strange cat was quickly forgotten in the rush of the day. You know, important things, like sleeping in class without getting caught and trying to squirm her way out of detention for being tardy. It wasn’t until hours later when she arrived home, collapsing in her bedroom because she was so tired from school, that she had reason to think about the cat again- because the cat was sitting in her window waiting for her. And better yet- it talked!

The cat introduced itself as Luna and explained to the startled blonde that Usagi was the guardian of the moon and a warrior from ages long past. When Usagi wouldn’t believe her, she produced a locket from thin air, and directed the teen to hold it up and repeat after her; “Moon Prism Power Make Up!” Those five words would change her life forever.

The transformation induced by her words both surprised and scared Usagi. Suddenly she had every reason to believe that Luna was telling the truth- and the truth was frightening. A war was coming, she said. Those possessed by the darkness were attacking Earth, draining its people of their lives and searching for the princess of the Moon who had been reborn after an ancient war. Usagi’s new title was Sailor Moon, one of the princess’ guardians, and it was her job to find the princess and the other senshi and lead them in the battle against the dark to protect the princess.

Sailor Moon’s first battle was against a monster, or youma, possessing the mother of her best friend, Naru. She arrived on the scene just in time to stop the youma from strangling Naru, but was subsequently attacked by the people the youma had already drained life from. As she struggled against the throng of possessed humans, it set in that she was really fighting for her life. With the sudden adrenaline that flooded her at this revelation, she managed to push away, escaping their grasp- only to be attacked by the youma possessing Naru’s mother. She thought she was done for- until a rose appeared from no where, lodging its thorns within the youma’s hand and halting its attack.

A man in armor and a cape stood in a window, watching the battle. He had thrown the rose and for that Sailor Moon was prepared to thank him, but he quickly proved that she owed him no gratitude. He ordered her to finish off the youma, then immediately informed her that he would never come to her rescue again. She didn’t deserve his help, he said, not after what she’d done. And with that he was gone. Sailor Moon felt crushed and confused, but gathered enough of her energy to finish off the youma, returning Naru’s mother to her normal state.

The days that followed that first battle were hectic and draining, as almost every night Usagi was forced to become Sailor Moon and fight the sudden influx of youma alone. There were many close calls, many battles where she almost didn’t make it out alive, but she persevered. The teen knew that her duty was to find and protect the princess, as well as awaken the other senshi, and she fully intended to carry it out. After several months of fighting alone though, she began to think that the others hadn’t been reborn with her. The fighting was taking its toll on her, and Usagi was forced to distance herself from her family and her friends in order to keep questions from arising. Then, something changed for the better.

Mizuno Ami transferred into Usagi’s class. Even through her exhaustion, Usagi could see how isolated this new student was, as the rumors flew about how intelligent and how much of a loner she was. Usagi’s grades had suffered more than usual since she’d become Sailor Moon, so in a desperate ploy to try and save her grades, as well as to befriend this new student, the blonde introduced herself and asked if Ami would like to have a study partner. Surprisingly, Ami accepted, and she and Usagi started spending their early afternoons after school let out studying together, until Ami had to leave for cram school.

Usagi had known Ami for almost a month before she was forced to fight to rescue her new friend. The cram school Ami attended was attacked by a youma possessing a teacher and Sailor Moon arrived just in time to save Ami from being throttled by the youma. As the senshi of love and justice fought against the youma, Luna approached Ami, startling the girl. Luna gave Ami a transformation pen and direct her to repeat after her; “Mercury Power Make Up!”

With the new help of Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon was able to defeat the youma. After the battle, they went to Usagi’s home where Ami was told everything Luna had informed Usagi of months ago. Now there were two warriors, and neither ever fought alone. Things began to get easier for Usagi and she started to return to the cheerful, carefree teenager she had once been. Over the course of several months, two more senshi were discovered as well; Hino Rei was Sailor Mars and Kino Makoto was Sailor Jupiter.

The four senshi fought together and as a team were able to easily defeat any enemies thrown their way. Neither hide nor hair was ever seen of the mysterious man who had helped Usagi in that first battle so long ago, but he wasn’t missed by the senshi. They had each other. It was together that the senshi finally discovered the person responsible for the youma attacks- a man named Jadeite. Luna informed them that Jadeite was not a true enemy, but had been possessed by the darkness. Their duty was to end his threat to the still missing moon princess. The senshi geared up for battle and headed out to confront Jadeite.

Sailor Moon led the senshi in a terrific fight against the possessed Jadeite. He was strong and had many youma under his command, but Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter all worked together to pin him long enough for Sailor Moon to try and heal him as she had many others. She was just starting to use her healing attack to banish the darkness possessing him when a rose appeared from nowhere, stabbing Jadeite through the heart. The horrified senshi finally saw the armored man Usagi had told them about, who had apparently been the one to throw the rose.

He introduced himself as Endymion, Prince of Earth. Jadeite had once been his loyal guardsman, until seduced by the darkness. Sailor Moon, he said, had done this. Endymion brooked no betrayal and he had sworn to destroy all of his former guardsmen. Now, the one time prince declared to the senshi, he would destroy the possessed guardsmen in front of their eyes before destroying the one who had turned them from him. That said, he was gone.

The senshi were shocked not only at Endymion’s accusations, but at his direct threat on Sailor Moon’s life. They fled the battle scene as human law enforcement arrived, regrouping at the temple Rei served at as a priestess. But there, another surprise awaited them. All four senshi had heard of Sailor V and knew she existed due to news from Britain, but they never expected to find her waiting for them at the temple with a white cat that bore the same crescent moon as Luna. In a move that even further surprised the senshi, Sailor V transformed into Sailor Venus, introducing her cat as Artemis, and began to explain the history of the senshi in detail.

In ancient times long forgotten by modern history, the earth had been one kingdom, under the reign of the royal couple and their single son, Endymion. The rest of the solar system had been under the reign of the wise Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. Her daughter, the princess, feel deeply in love with Endymion. Unfortunately, Endymion was betrothed to the daughter of one of earth’s noble women, Beryl. The king and queen of earth begged Beryl to allow the betrothal to lapse due to the prince’s love for the moon princess, but she refused. Instead, she took up the power of the dark queen Metallia and used it to poison Endymion’s guardsmen, turning them away from him. With his guardsmen as her servants, Beryl waged war against both Earth and the Moon Kingdom. In the chaos, Endymion blamed Serenity and her daughter for the loss of his guardsmen and turned his back on the princess. In the end, all of Earth was dominated by Beryl and all its might was turned upon the Moon Kingdom. Queen Serenity was able to defeat Beryl and seal her away in a pocket dimension, but- the kingdom was destroyed. With the last of her power, Serenity sent the princess, her court, and Endymion to be reborn in the distant future of Earth.

Now, Venus said, Beryl was beginning to break through the barrier between dimensions. Beryl’s first priority would be to destroy the moon princess, so therefore the senshi had to protect her at all costs. When Ami tried to tell Venus that they hadn’t yet found the princess, Venus moved to stand in front of Usagi. She touched a single finger to Usagi’s forehead, and suddenly the sigil of the moon appeared, transforming Usagi into Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, shocking everyone but Venus and Artemis. The princess had been with them the whole time. Venus then de-transformed and introduced herself as Aino Minako. For the first time in millennia, the princess and her court were whole.

In the months that followed, the battles began to intensify, becoming more and more fierce. A new guardsman named Nephrite appeared, and he had made it his mission not only to collect human energy, but to seek the princess as well. The senshi struggled to keep Usagi’s identity as the princess a secret and Sailor Moon as allowed to fight less and less. Minako took the position as the leader of the senshi and she was determined to protect her princess. Now that the senshi had a better idea of whom and what they were facing, it took much less time to track down Nephrite. Minako made sure that their fight would be in a private place, hoping to keep Endymion from murdering his own guardsman. She also tried to convince Usagi that she and the senshi could capture Nephrite and bring him back so that Usagi wouldn’t have to put herself in harm’s way, but the moon princess would not be left at home. She insisting on helping, telling Minako that she couldn’t bear to see the others fight a battle she wouldn’t risk herself. Finally, Minako relented, and the senshi geared up for battle.

The fight with Nephrite, even with Venus at their side this time, was grueling. He was stronger than Jadeite and he knew it, moving with a surety and confidence that couldn’t help but worry the senshi. Sailor Moon spent most of the fight waiting for a chance to use her healing attack, letting Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus do the major battling as they had begged of her. It was as she waited that she realized Endymion had found them and was waiting for his chance as well. Hoping to maybe help him see the truth about what had happened to his guardsmen and even possibly convince him to take them back after she healed them, Sailor Moon approached Endymion. She couldn’t have expected that, instead of talking to her, Endymion would attack her, lashing out at her with the scabbard of his sword. She raised her hands to protect herself from the blow and he broke her left arm before jumping away and aiming a deadly rose at Nephrite, whom the senshi had just pinned. Then he was gone.

The senshi de-transformed and rushed Usagi to the hospital where, thankfully, Ami’s mother was on duty. Dr. Mizuno took care of the blonde as Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako found a private waiting room to discuss what to do next. When they returned to where Usagi was being treated, they asked Dr. Mizuno to give them a bit of private time. She allowed it and left. As soon as she was gone, Minako took point on telling Usagi that Sailor Moon was no longer allowed to appear in battle. Her actions in trying to approach Endymion and Endymion’s attack had made up the mind of the senshi. They wanted to protect Usagi because they loved her, and they couldn’t if she was on the battlefield. They then took her home and left her with Luna to watch over her.

This time, two new guardsmen appeared after Nephrite’s death, Zoisite and Kunzite. While Zoisite focused on gathering energy, Kunzite concentrated on finding the princess. He finally realized after sifting through the records Nephrite had left behind that Sailor Moon was actually the moon princess. With the knowledge that Sailor Moon’s arm had been broken in the battle with Nephrite, he began to scour the hospital records in Juuban. There were several cases of broken arms the night of the battle and through trial and error Kunzite finally found Tsukino Usagi’s file. The name could be no coincidence. He talked it over with Zoisite, who informed him that Sailor Moon had not appeared in battle since Nephrite’s death, so the two arranged for a huge battle to take place, Zoisite himself appearing, and Kunzite would use the distraction to capture the princess.

Meanwhile, Usagi had been completely disheartened by the decision of her senshi to keep her from the battlefield. Luna, in an effort to cheer her up and help her feel useful, suggested that instead of fighting she focus on her powers as the princess of the moon, many of which included healing. From that point on Usagi would transform into the princess whenever the senshi went into battle, waiting for them to return so she could use her growing powers to heal their wounds. The use of her powers made them strength and began to return her memory of the Moon Kingdom. She couldn’t remember anything too detailed, mainly just flashes, but it was something. She kept it to herself though, still unhappy with the others for restricting her. When Zoisite appeared to do battle, Usagi begged the others to let her go, but Minako was steadfast. Usagi would stay behind as she had been, waiting on the senshi to bring Zoisite to her to heal. The senshi left and Usagi reluctantly transformed into the princess, waiting.

Even as she waited in the form of the princess, she curled up on her bed with Luna, crying softly. Luna did her best to comfort her, but no words could soothe the fact that- in Serenity’s mind- the senshi saw her as useless. Luna watched over her as Serenity cried herself to sleep. Then- Kunzite appeared. As a cat, Luna was helpless to protect the princess from him and he knew it. He brusquely informed her that he would take the princess and Luna as well. It would not do for him to leave her to inform the senshi. Deciding that it would be better to go willingly so he wouldn’t bind her, Luna allowed him to take the princess without a fight.

When Serenity awoke, she was the picture of confusion. She was lying in her own bed, in her own bedroom, but something was off. She knew she had fallen asleep with Luna curled beside her for comfort, but she was alone. The princess climbed from bed, exploring her room in an effort to find out what was different, but it took for her to try to open the window to realize what was wrong. There was nothing behind her window but darkness- no street, no houses, no people- no Juuban. She went to the door that should have led to the rest of her house, but found it locked when she tried to open it. Just as she began to panic though, the door opened, admitting two beautiful women that she didn’t recognize; one with long black hair done partially up in little buns who wore a black and yellow dress, the other with cascading red hair who wore a long purple dress. The black haired woman spoke and Serenity was shocked- it was Luna!

Luna introduced the redheaded woman as Beryl, then immediately tried to soothe the frightened Serenity by telling her that Beryl was not their enemy. To Serenity’s further surprise, Beryl bowed low to Serenity and told her that it was imperative that Serenity regain her memories from the Moon Kingdom. On bended knee, Beryl explained that the guardsmen had not been trying to drain humans of their energy, but to drain the darkness that permeated Juuban from those it had taken root in. She further explained that the guardsmen had been seeking her, the princess, in order to bring her to Beryl’s pocket dimension to protect her from the darkness. The only reason they had ever fought with the senshi was self-defense, due to the fact that the senshi always attacked on sight. Then Beryl stood, nodded to Luna, and left, leaving the door open and unlocked for the two women she left behind. Luna explained to Serenity that what Sailor Venus had told the senshi about their history was wrong, and that only Serenity herself would be able to reveal the truth. The best way to regain her memories was to stay in the form of Serenity and meditate and hone her powers here in the pocket dimension Beryl inhabited, free from the darkness in Juuban that had brainwashed Minako and Artemis. Reluctantly Serenity agreed, and so her training began.

For over a month Serenity resided in Beryl’s pocket dimension. She trained vigorously with Luna, Zoisite, and Kunzite to hone her powers as the moon princess and as Sailor Moon. She also spent much of her time meditating- under direct orders from Luna- in an attempt to regain her memories of the Moon Kingdom. Slowly, everything began to fall into place, and Serenity was shocked when she finally realized the truth.

Venus had been wrong. Endymion had indeed been engaged to Beryl and Serenity had indeed fallen in love with him- but Endymion had not returned her affections. Queen Serenity had seen his lack of affection for her daughter as the ultimate insult to both her daughter and the Moon Kingdom. The queen declared war upon the Earth and called upon darkness and chaos to wage it. Her own court had begged and pleaded with her to stop the madness of the war, but she had merely silenced them by allowing the darkness to possess them. The queen even went so far as to capture Endymion’s guardsmen and force the darkness to possess them, believing that without them the prince would be helpless. Instead, it had the opposite effect, enraging Endymion and convincing the king and queen of Earth to allow him to lead the war against the Moon Kingdom. Beryl pleaded with her beloved Endymion to let her try to make peace with Queen Serenity, but in the end was forced to simply watch as he decimated the Moon Kingdom’s forces, many of whom were either darkness possessed or forced to fight due to loyalty to their queen. Endymion finally made his way to the palace on the moon, now fighting the Queen’s senshi and his own guardsmen one on one. He ruthlessly killed every one of them until finally he came to the queen.

The battle between Endymion and Queen Serenity was long and fierce. Serenity was empowered by darkness and chaos, but Endymion was powered by rage and the Earth itself. Princess Serenity, escaping the protection of her own court and senshi, felt the battle and fled to it in hopes to save both the man she loved and her mother. Endymion and the queen had each powered up one final attack, sure of killing each other, when Princess Serenity threw herself between them. She begged them to stop this madness, because it was destroying both kingdoms. Both were blinded to her pleading though, and attacked each other even with her between them. It was only as the princess took both attacks head on, refusing to allow them to kill each other, that the queen came to her senses, struggling to overcome the influence of darkness. The princess was dying when Queen Serenity ran to her, pulling her into her arms as she cried. Her cherished daughter would die because Serenity had let herself become blinded. The queen decided that it all had to end and, with one last burst of power, did several things. The queen decimated all of both kingdoms, returning life to the very beginnings of civilization. She also sent the princess, her court, and the prince to be reborn on earth, modifying their memory and hoping that things could come to a happy ending in another lifetime. Beryl though, she banished to a pocket dimension along with the prince’s guardsmen to keep her there.

When Serenity uncovered the truth behind the history of the two kingdoms, she was devastated. That her mother had done so many horrible things in her name was horrifying. For almost a month afterwards she refused to leave her room or Beryl’s pocket dimension, for she was deeply ashamed. It took Luna, Beryl, Zoisite and Kunzite all confronting her to make her realize that hiding was useless. If she wanted to right the wrongs of their past, she needed to do something about the battles her senshi were still waging on Earth against Zoisite and Kunzite. Serenity reluctantly agreed and asked for a few days to herself to organize her thoughts. In those few days, she uncovered a way to set everything right. Serenity called for Luna and asked her to take her back to Juuban, and to bring Beryl, Zoisite, and Kunzite with them. After talking with Beryl, everyone agreed, and with Serenity’s power, Beryl was finally able to leave the pocket dimension she had been trapped in for millennia.

When they arrived in Juuban, it didn’t take long for Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter to appear with Artemis in tow. The senshi had been frantic over the past couple months, trying to find and rescue their princess. It was only pleading from Serenity that stopped them from attacking Beryl and the guardsmen on sight. She begged them to wait, knowing that even Endymion would show soon enough, unable to resist the chance to murder his two remaining guardsmen and the princess. Everyone reluctantly agreed, the senshi taking up a protective guard around the princess as they waited. Soon enough, Endymion arrived.

Serenity had been waiting for his arrival, slowly powering up for what she knew was the only way to set things right. As soon as Endymion stood before them, she let loose the power she’d been holding back. In that instant, the entire world changed.

Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako all awoke in their beds the next day and went about as usual, going to class, hanging out with friends, and enjoying everything that a normal teenager would, for that’s what they were. They had no memory of being senshi, of knowing each other, or of knowing Serenity. Beryl and Endymion, or Mamoru as he was called in this lifetime, awoke in bed together, married and happy, no memory of ever having been separated. Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite woke in their respective beds, four friends who had grown up together on earth, living normal lives. Luna and Artemis woke together in their marriage bed, humans, as they always had been in their memory.

Raven claims no copyrights or ownership of Tsukino Usagi.
Tsukino Usagi belongs to Takeuchi Naoko.
All graphics made by sailor_icon unless otherwise stated.
This is a Role-Playing Journal for moonlocket.

All graphics made by sailor_icon unless otherwise stated.

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