Still ill, but i feel better than few days ago, so i had a possibility to go to some electronic/builders/etc stores and buy some stuff to fix my first lightbox.
It has normal bulbs, and it was very hot after some time, so i needed to install a fluorescent lamp. To be more precised - two 8W lamps. It works 8D
Now i can work again, geez last days were like, ugh ;3;
I'm adding some photos how it looks inside, if somebody is interested to build one too C:
Lightbox is a very helpful thing ;u;
All things inside (that goo is a silicon glue):
part with a power cable and switcher
zoom of the lamp (8W) and inductance ballast
Here is all inductance ballast (there are also schemes how to connect lamps on it)
And the starter (there are 2 in this lightbox)
Another shoot
closed (white acrylic board)
And it works C: