The Most Erotic Dream I Ever Had Was About Knowledge...

Jan 01, 2006 01:47

Happy New Year! We made it through 2005, let's see how 2006 goes!

Just a little piece of writing I scribbled out while working on a fic. Thought I'd post it here.

I dreamt I lay with God. He kissed me, tasted the roof of my mouth and the cracks between my teeth, the slickness of my gums and the softness of my cheek. And he asked me to speak only words which would not sour on the tongue.

It was Allah who rubbed the soreness from my feet and legs, who soothed the weary muscles and skimmed the calluses and told me that I would walk many paths, each one long and tiring, but that each one must be followed to its end.

My breast was suckled by an Earthly Goddess who pleaded that I feed the hungry and offer coin to the poor. She requested that I destroy no delicately woven spider webs or disturb sleeping flowers.

It was Buddha who teased the folds of my labia and taught me to accept who I was, but to refuse identity because of what fell between my legs. He preached that I should accept no preachings.

I awoke to a transcended world. 
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