ahimsa yoga center

Jan 23, 2006 09:50

so kids, i had my first day of class teaching at ahimsa yoga center (across the street from mt. holyoke college) and five people were in each class! this is a very good thing, for those of you who don't know...for a small studio where class size peaks at 14, and for two classes that were having their first sessions...5 is kick-ass. excellent.

it's snowing. finally, it feels like january. this makes sense to my body, and my mind. i'm going to hunker down (i don't have to work or teach today), tae a shower, and start a new knitting project with a couple of movies. i was supposed to go to lunch...buuuuuut....there's at least 4 inches on the ground at the moment. and it's not stopping any time soon, i don't think. hrmph. but that's ok! it's winter! its time to hunker!

in other news: i got my first very tiny pay check from inspirit common. at least it's something! but not very much. i hope that this week, more people start coming, and more people start paying. paying yogis would be so exciting.

jemma is throwing a tantrum about having to put clothes on before she goes outside to play in the snow. sometimes living with a 6-year old is exhausting. sometimes living with her mother is exhausting. i DO need to find a new place to live. this spring. if there's anyone reading this in the valley who wants/needs/knows of a place for a new roommate...let me know.

there's a pile of fabric on my couch waiting to be washed so i can make...whatever i'm going to make..which is debatable at the moment. skirts? wraps? a piiiiiiilloooooooow?? hm. endless possibilities, really.

much love, dears. stay warm and dry and cozy.
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